最新安卓星奥小游戏挂机集合 包括200+款游戏 主动刷广告号称单机日入15-30








This software is mainly aimed at some small games to gain revenue from advertising. For example, the light year and Xiamen Red Packet series games, which are commonly used in Tiktok, are basically included in the script. I have played Tiktok Nugget and Tiktok games before. After testing, it is still feasible. Some games first need to finish the pre-task of these small games, that is, the novice task, and then use this script to hang up and automatically watch the ads. (You can use the same script as you play!) This is what the trial hanging project of the small game that sells 980 yuan on the market is about. Publicity is about 15-30 yuan per day for single machine/single window (subject to actual operation). The software contains a collection of scripts for hanging up 201 mobile phone games, which can be operated with one click to open the script. Software function: can automatically hang up and swipe advertising equipment requirements: Android phone 7.1-12 system script description: the script card secret is used for one machine and one code, and cannot be opened and reused. If you need to open more than one, please test and confirm the need for more than one, and then take the card secret in batch. The script card needs to be purchased separately, for a few yuan. If you mind, please move to the project without card


打开手机用微信或浏览器 扫码进入销售网站:新新网课, 搜索 小游戏 即可获取(会找到更多意想不到的课程项目或罕见软件工具等 不信就试一试 )
项目由于过度火爆触犯了某些人利益而投诉,导致被平台强迫下架!如搜不到说明已下架 看好了火速入手,勿犹豫!手慢货没勿后悔!

为了防止跟丢车脱离组织 建议安卓手机用户下载APP安装保存即可永久打开 新新网课和三十一度(2023.08新增)

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