






(附比价器当前金价截图,当前时间2023.1.11 21:40)


New World is a foreign game on the STEAM game platform. It is not open to Asian servers. The tutorial has been sent to crack the accelerator. This tutorial is mainly divided into three directions: upgrading the number, selling money in life, and selling meat in battle. Those who like to make quick money and are more able to eat can choose to upgrade the number, that is, use the new account to quickly charge the 60 level sales account, because the 60 level of the game is the beginning, So both the boss and the studio need 60 accounts. Generally, one is 300, and the upgrade time is 2-3 days. Slow pace leisure players, such as me, can choose to take the route of life, collect materials and process production, trade into gold coins through auction houses, and finally sell gold coins (solo wolf and studio play). Team players (5 people) can choose to fight and sell meat, that is, sell the variation copy of each week with the boss to get income, 25 times a week, a total of 12.5 hours, and can get 375-625K gold coins. At present, the price of each K gold coin is 1-2 yuan, That is, you can get 562-937 yuan (calculated by taking the median price of 1.5 yuan) in 12.5 hours. The sales account and gold coins can be realized easily and quickly. You can use DD373 and the price comparator. Individuals prefer to sell directly to trade union members (fixed bosses) (the tutorial has attached the directory of all regional service associations) (the screenshot of the current gold price of the price comparator is attached, and the current time is 21:40, 2023.1.11) Equipment demand: computer

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