#31度网赚班# 某付费文章《疫情迎来大结局!终于,该聊聊让你明年招财聚富的新战略了》



从今往后,大家都是自己的健康第一负责人,所有吉凶祸福 自己解决。





所以,我们完全有理由相信,病毒依然值得我们警惕 但却不值得我们闻之色变,至少目前看来是这样。




今天真正的核心,是我们要应该要好好聊一聊“后 • 病毒时代”了,也就是接下去的五年,我们应该对自己的人生,做出怎样的改变。

因为你我完全有理由坚信,在这三年漫长的冰封期后,整个大环境都会从根本上发生质的变化, 不管你有没有察觉到。

而这些变化,每一项 都蕴含着庞大的 尚未被挖掘的机会, 每一项 也都暗藏着深度的 还未被察觉的凶险。


你完全没有必要浪费这点时间和精力啊,把这些时间拿去刷刷短视频 看看娱乐八卦,多开心呀。




多年后,你一定会由衷的感谢自己,在这个夜晚阅读了如此一篇鞭辟入里 逻辑严密的人生指导宏文。

The end of the epidemic has finally arrived. In particular, with today's Supplemental Eleven Rules and the different adjustments in various parts of the country, everything is using a very clear attitude to show us one thing: from now on, everyone is the first responsible person for their own health, and all good and bad things will be solved by themselves. Although that's what I said, I don't have too much fear in my heart. Because in the past three years, although the infectivity of the virus has increased exponentially, its pathogenicity and lethality have also been rapidly weakened. According to several cities that have been gradually opened up, it seems that there is no large-scale run on medical resources and there is no sign that it will happen. The world's fireworks are slowly returning, and prosperity and liveliness are gradually reviving. It's really good. Therefore, we have every reason to believe that viruses are still worthy of our vigilance, but they are not worthy of our dismay, at least for now. Nevertheless, our personal prevention work must be in place, which I always have a clear attitude. First of all, the vaccine must be fully vaccinated. On the other hand, the medicines at home must be well prepared. Later, I will list in detail which medicines and materials are necessary. However, the discussion on virus itself is not the core content today. Today's real core is that we should talk about the "post virus era", that is, how we should make changes in our lives in the next five years. Because you and I have every reason to believe that after the three years of long ice cover, the whole environment will fundamentally change, whether you are aware of it or not. And each of these changes contains a huge opportunity that has not yet been explored, and each of them also contains a deep hidden danger that has not yet been detected. Therefore, if you are a naturally weak and timid person who does not want to change the status quo of your life, I do not recommend you to read this article. You don't need to waste this time and energy at all. How happy you are to use this time to brush short videos and watch entertainment gossip. But if you feel vaguely that you have suffered a lot during this period of time and then your luck is about to turn. And you are willing to pay practice and effort, take this opportunity, with courage and boldness, to give yourself a way to live. So this article is for you. Many years later, you will sincerely thank yourself for reading such an insightful and logical guide to life this evening.

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