#31度网赚班# 视频号批量矩阵的高客单高利润玩法揭秘: 视频号引流与变现 月入10W+
























WeChat video number e-commerce has really played the Internet's information gap to the extreme! WeChat's social attributes rely on the video number to complete the closed loop of private domain live broadcast and short video e-commerce! This is a new opportunity for short video social e-commerce! The company has been selling goods live on WeChat video accounts since last June. At that time, WeChat video accounts had not yet completely pried off a large amount of public domain traffic. This year, WeChat opened all public domain traffic of video accounts. Through the fission of sharing functions such as WeChat's circle of friends, WeChat groups, and friends, the traffic increased significantly. Where there is traffic, there is business. The short video of WeChat video number and live delivery of goods have opened a new chapter in private domain e-commerce. The foreground traffic of the video number is large, with 9 million broadcasts a week. Let's take a look at the screenshot of our test account: the video number is very suitable for high profit and high repurchasing products, such as this cosmetics. The price of four bottles in the video number shop is 299 yuan, the factory takes the price of 18 yuan, the cost of four bottles is 72 yuan, and the profit of an order is 227 yuan. The profit of 1000 units is more than 200000 yuan. Take 17.9 bottles at Alibaba, as shown in the figure: a Martin boot in the video shop costs 203, and go to Pinduoduo to get 36. Boots produced by the same manufacturer. I also bought a pair of boots on the two platforms separately, and found that both boots were produced by the same factory. Short video matrix play method (key recommendation) I do short video matrix, and then lead to private domain long-term repurchase, which is suitable for high customer single and high profit products. In this sharing, I will introduce several pieces suitable for private domain high profit products, some of which have a single profit of 5000+(batch issuance). If too many accounts are diverted in batches, the benefits will be very considerable. At present, what we do most is to excavate the lifelong value of customers through the realization mode of short video window shopping combined with the maintenance of long-term old customers in the private domain of WeChat. The latest screenshot of the real-time transaction of the video number store (70% of the profit): The live broadcast of the video number is the fastest way to realize the video number. Many people think it is too difficult to imagine the live broadcast. You will find that the standard of the live broadcast of the video number is not very high. Some rural aunts are more popular than Tiktok professional beauty anchors. The live broadcast of the video number can be broadcast by everyone. Find a suitable product, organize the script, and then start the broadcast. In this issue, I will share how to quickly break orders through low-cost live broadcast. The most important thing is that this method can be copied in batches and linked by multiple live broadcast rooms. Whether it is short video or live video, the most important thing is to choose products. How to choose a product suitable for the realization of video number with high profits is crucial. The first phase of the video number private board meeting will focus on sharing the method of profiteering selection of video number live room. As an Internet person chasing traffic, video number must be laid out now! Course Directory: Video Number Lesson 2: Short Video Matrix Initiation Logic and Selection Method.mp4 Video Number Lesson 3: Video Number Shop Opening Process and Live Room Numbering Method.mp4 Video Number Lesson 4: Video Number Selection Method and Project Management Mode Combination.mp4 Video Number Infrastructure and Short Video Numbering Method.mp4

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