#31度网赚班# 利用AI制图神器Midjourney赚钱的3种方法:Midjourney的注册和使用方法

Midjourney的注册和使用方法,如何使用Midjourney制作大师级画作 |Midjourney作品的版权界定

Mid journey是一款搭载在discord上的人工智能绘画机器人,目前仍出处于内部测试阶段。即使你没有任何绘图经验,也能制作出大师级的绘画作品。Mid journey的使用方法非常简单,你只需输入一行描述文字,系统就会在一分钟内为你生成一组和描述相关的图像。

在今天的节目里,就为大家演示,如何正确的使用Mid journey,以及合法出售作品的几种方法和技巧。

The registration and usage of Midjournal, how to use Midjournal to make master paintings | The copyright of Midjournal's works defines that Midjournal is an AI painting robot mounted on discord, which is still in the internal testing stage. Even if you don't have any drawing experience, you can also make master painting works. The method of using Mid journal is very simple. You only need to enter a line of descriptive text, and the system will generate a group of images related to the description for you in one minute. In today's program, I will show you how to use Mid journal correctly and how to sell works legally.

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