#31度网赚班# 零基础搭建虚拟资源下载网站,全自动成交站 轻松月入过万(源码+安装教程)






The main lecture of the course teaches you how to build a resource network, launch virtual resource products for online courses, and realize full-automatic passive profit. After the mall system is built through the whole course of practical teaching, we need to dock the basic settings of the payment system, login system, website, release of resource products, etc. we won't buy domain names, servers, or install the pagoda version. Please see the following tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda top version + wordpress blog construction. After the construction, there will be no drainage. Please see some screenshots of the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
