#31度网赚班# 情感博客资讯网站搭建教学,小白也可上手,多种盈利赚钱模式(教程+源码)



常见的盈利方式:1.网页广告位 2.如果你擅长情感,可以接单连麦等




This post was finally edited by Wolf Lai at 13:39 on August 17, 2022. This lesson mainly teaches you how to build a finished emotional information blog website on a zero basis. There is no theory in the whole process, but only practice, such as: love separation, marriage and family, emotional recovery, emotional quotations, love letters, love words, emotional articles, etc, It is suitable for friends who are interested in emotion. Common profit methods: 1. Web advertising space 2. If you are good at emotion, you can receive a single Mac, etc. you won't buy a domain name, server, or install a pagoda version. Please see the following tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda version + wordpress blog building. After the building is completed, there will be no drainage. Please see the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
