#31度网赚班# 导演该如何讲故事:策划与拍摄技巧 全方位实战攻略(8节课 原价799)
前期策划与拍摄技能 就看这套 让你的画面充满故事感 撩动人心。


Early stage planning and shooting skills are based on this set of stories that make your pictures full of stories and stir people's hearts. Courseware [section 1] how to tell a story with script structure.mp4 [section 2] how to tell a story with scene design.mp4 [section 3] how to tell a story with audio-visual language.mp4 [section 4] how to tell a story with a split mirror.mp4 [section 5] how to tell a story with actors.mp4 [section 6] dual class for directors and photographers.mp4 [section 7] dual class for directors and producers.mp4 [section 8] director's practical case MP4 [advanced class] What is the job of a director mp4
