#31度网赚班# WordPress采集教学,快速提升网站流量:全程无理论,只有实操











The course introduction mainly teaches you how to collect WordPress, support Empire, dream weaving, Empire, zblog, discuz, etc. there is no theory in the whole process. Only practical collection can quickly enrich the content of the website in a short time and improve the website traffic and user experience. The collection webmaster of the whole station hopes to download the whole station data of others to his own website or save some contents of other websites to his own server. Extract relevant fields from the content and publish them to your own website system. Sometimes, you need to save the files related to the web page locally. For example, the webmaster of the collection of images, attachments and other contents collects all kinds of pictures, jokes, news and other information from the Internet, and then classifies, edits and publishes them to your own website system. Generally, the search engine searches for various keywords to obtain the target URL, and then extracts the content of the web page. The organization of keywords determines the accuracy and quantity of the obtained content. Because the content comes from different websites, the methods of extracting content are different. For a certain type of information, the data structure published to the website system is the same. You will not buy a domain name, server, or install the pagoda version. Please see the following tutorial first! (phase 3483) 0 Basics - mandatory course for website construction: domain name + server purchase + pagoda version + wordpress blog building. After the building is completed, there will be no drainage. Please see the drainage tutorial in the VIP area of this site
