#31度网赚班# 无需露脸,无需录音,无需投资,TIKTOK上传短视频,最高日入5000美元

ThePlug是一个专注社交媒体Influencers的APP,这个应用程序是一个连接APP开发企业和各大社交媒体网站意见领袖的中间平台。对于APP开发者们来讲,他们可以在ThePlug发布自己最新的APP,并寻找适合 的推广者。



The plug is an app focusing on social media influencers. This application is an intermediate platform connecting app development enterprises and opinion leaders of major social media websites. For app developers, they can release their latest apps in the plug and find suitable promoters. If your social media account has a large number of fans, you can register as a promoter of the plug and promote various apps through your social media account. Using the plug to promote app to make money, tiktok opinion leaders to quickly cash in | tiktok promotion skills
