#31度网赚班# 听歌赚美金项目,每听一首歌就赚12美元,结合推送网站赚更多【视频教程】

第一步,打开谷歌搜索playlist push



作为嘉奖 ,在这个视频中,我将向你展示更多你可以结合播放列表推送的网站,你可以在这个网站上获得两到三倍的收入

In this video, I will show you how to earn $12 from each song. The first step is to open Google search playlist push and click the first link here. You will be taken to this website, which is called playlist push You can read it here and connect artists and playlist managers as rewards. In this video, I will show you more websites that you can push in combination with playlists. You can earn two to three times the income on this website
