#31度网赚班# 上传VR虚拟现实游戏模型赚钱,每单5-15美元,每天赚50美元通过VRChat游戏赚钱的方法,代人上传游戏模型,文件格式转换|如何通过虚拟现实游戏赚钱,帮助VRChat游戏玩家上传游戏人物模型赚钱

虚拟现实游戏,英文名为“virtual reality game” 只要戴上虚拟现实头盔,就可以进入交互式虚拟场景,获得与传统游戏完全不同的体验。 近几年最受欢迎的VR游戏之一是一款名为vrchat的游戏。 这款游戏的特点是同时接受普通玩家和vr玩家,并推出了PC版和oculus quest游戏版。

由于vrchat拥有庞大的用户群,所以这款游戏对任务模型和游戏地图的需求很大。 今天主要介绍几种销售、上传、转化模式赚钱的方法。

How to make money through vrchat games, upload game models and file format conversion | how to make money through virtual reality games, and help vrchat game players upload game character models to make money in virtual reality games. The English name is "virtual reality game". As long as you wear a virtual reality helmet, you can enter an interactive virtual scene and get a completely different experience from traditional games. One of the most popular VR games in recent years is a game called vrchat. The feature of this game is to accept ordinary players and VR players at the same time, and the PC version and oculus quest game version are launched. Because vrchat has a large user group, this game has a great demand for task models and game maps. Today, I will introduce to you how to make money by selling, uploading and converting models.
