#31度网赚班# 【引流必备】全平台28套引流脚本,满足99%人的引流需求【永久脚本+教程】


脚本功能包括:QQ邮箱自动发送邮件、批量导入收件人账号、QQ附近的人私信、Tik Tok Aauto更快的直播间语音、评论区语音、评论区艾特、自动提号、闲鱼平台卖家自动发送私信、快乐楼主打遍天下……等等这里只是其中的一些功能。




The product description includes 28 sets of drainage scripts, each of which has a detailed tutorial and related supporting software. The script functions include: automatic e-mail sending from QQ mailbox, batch import of recipient accounts, private messages from people near QQ, speeches in Tiktok Kwai live room, speeches in the comment area, Aite in the comment area, automatic breeding number, automatic private messages from sellers of the idle fish platform, and shouting from happy landlords all over the world. Here are just some of the functions. Equipment requirements: computer version drainage script all systems can use mobile version drainage script to support Android. Self test is recommended if necessary. The script category is as shown in the figure: 2.jpg (130.45 KB, download times: 0) download attachment 2022-8-8 20:48 upload
