#31度网赚班# 智多星《知识炼金术》教你年入“7位数”的爆款课程 (全集录音+文档+导图)














The latest course with a price of 9800 yuan is a popular course that teaches you to refine your experience or major into "seven figures" (which is also the most systematic information I have met so far to teach you design courses, and I have to say it is really DM awesome). If you are in the "knowledge payment" industry, I strongly recommend you to learn. This course will systematically teach you& amp;# 10102; How to choose a course name to increase your course sales by 10 times & amp# 10103; How to design a directory that allows users to place orders immediately & amp# 10104; How to make customers addicted to your content and stay up late to listen to the course & amp# 10105; How to design courses that customers want to learn and buy & amp# 10106; How to arrange the course chain to increase your course income by 10 times & amp# 10107; How to design your own thought system to make you a master & amp# 10108; How to deliver your courses perfectly and let customers stop buying again and again... Just looking at the catalog is enough to make me want to stop. You can really feel its power after you learn systematically! How can I get the course information? ● it's very simple. After several days and nights of hard work, this set of courses has finally been recorded by me. It is now in my baidu cloud disk... The course materials include [full set course learning recording and learning guide map]. The materials are extremely complete. I can assure you!
