#31度网赚班# 绅白不白最新抖店无货源项目,100%低成本起店丨不动销丨不投流(价值1280)



























Hello everyone, I'm Shenbai, and shuodian is the project I've been testing. Since the beginning of the year, shuodian has slowly appeared search traffic. After that, the training fee for looking for others to understand has cost 10000 or 20000 yuan. However, I found that there is no low-cost and small white operation method at present. The whole store is mobile sales, QianChuan mobile sales, live video delivery, and short video delivery. Either the input is high or the threshold is high. Many people have been asking me why I don't do the shop because it is so popular now? Isn't it sweet to cut a wave while it's hot? I know very well about myself. I'm not a very strong training big V, and I can't teach a person to earn more than ten thousand a day. My mainstream orientation of training has always been to help novices, Xiaobai, and friends who don't have too much money to make more money. The income is high or low, but not huge. I've been trying to test the shop shaking, and I know a lot about the game, I have always told the students that I will come out of the shop for training when I find a low-cost game that can start a shop at a few hundred yuan. The measured starting cost of the store is no more than 200 yuan per store (excluding the deposit and business license). Currently, the platform rules of the store have been changing. However, sellers who have been engaged in traditional e-commerce know that selection is the core, and the core of my game is still selection. Although the store is the same starting line for novices and e-commerce players, the core of any e-commerce is still selection, This is something no big man will refute. The following describes the project: what is the lack of supply in the shop? That is, we use software to transport goods from other e-commerce platforms to Tiktok small store. With a certain profit, our game profit is 20-40%. How am I doing? What effect can learning achieve? Shenbai Bubai's latest store has no source of goods. It starts at 100% low cost, no sales and no investment. This is the data at 3:00 p.m. on the fifth day of my operation. The profit is about 30%. If I study, I won't promise to make hundreds of orders. It's still customary that I can't afford to pay the tuition fee within 15 days, and I can make a contract (the first teaching is very cheap, but not a thousand!) How much does it cost to operate a shake shop? Margin: 2000 (you can take it out after you don't open a store) software fee: but 100 (generally available in the market, not selling software items) order taking fee: when the store issues a order, you have to take a order to deliver goods. Then it has been proved that you have a profit. The more orders you explode, the higher the order taking fee. If you earn 400 from 1000 sales, you have to take 600 yuan. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Doudian? Tiktok is an active user ceiling software on a daily basis. The ceiling is extremely high, and it is normal to have thousands of orders per day. I don't need to live broadcast, shoot short videos, fans, brush orders and promote. With low investment, matrix store groups can also operate. The disadvantage is that compared with platforms such as Taobao pinduoduo, the orders are unstable. We should know that Tiktok e-commerce is essentially interested in e-commerce, at least for now. What kind of people are suitable for learning and how much time is spent every day? Traditional e-commerce, Baoma, office workers and studios are all OK. In the early stage, it takes several hours a day. In the later stage, automatic software is available for orders and delivery. One person can open three or five stores. What are the risks of the project? There is almost no risk, and there is a risk of malicious crackdown on counterfeits. Therefore, we do not make special categories, and serious study will not appear. Why do you take it out for training? I took my life to open 20 stores, and the working capital was not enough. The pattern should be opened. This project will not be rotten because of training. Everything is mainly selected, and the training cost is zero. Are there any restrictions on categories? Is it the leather exchange project of our online red shop? There are no restrictions. It is not a skin change. The operation logic is completely different. There are so many training shops. What are my advantages here? Low cost, fast rise.
