#31度网赚班# 某鱼收费3888的七猫影视全自动挂机项目脚本,号称日入大几百【协议版】

















A fish charges 3888 for the full-automatic hang-up project of Qimao film and television, which is known as hundreds of people a day, and the computer hang-up operation is simple. 1、 Project introduction: Qimao film and television is an app that can watch VIP of major websites for free. When the promotion link is opened for more than 5 seconds, users can get revenue. Users can get 0.038 yuan by clicking once. The software takes advantage of this advantage to automatically hang up to swipe this traffic to make money. 2、 About withdrawal: all withdrawals arrive the next day, which is relatively reliable. 3、 Equipment requirements: computer, Xiaoyao simulator (other simulators can't be used, and don't place an order if the computer configuration is too low to open the simulator). Screenshot of promotion unit price: screenshot of measured revenue data: screenshot of script: IV. suitable for people: looking for partners in various Internet projects. 5、 Purpose of this website: this website only shares project resources at a very low price, reveals Internet projects that charge hundreds of thousands of yuan in the market, refuses to cut leeks, and reduces trial and error costs! 6、 Warm tips: this project requires Cami. If you mind, please move to other projects that do not need Cami. 1. This platform only does project disclosure, and cannot provide one-on-one teaching guidance. Basically, each set of tutorials contains a full set of tutorial explanations for the project. Please read it carefully. 2. This platform is only for resource sharing, without any income guarantee. Please distinguish the details by yourself! 3. If the project involves network recharge, please pay attention to personal prevention and beware of fraud! We are not responsible for non proprietary business of this platform! 4. Due to the replicability of virtual goods, once they are photographed and delivered, they are regarded as approved items. Notes! No refund! 5. The original intention of this platform is to stop cutting leeks and reduce trial and error costs! 6. I wish you all: you can find projects that are suitable for you and make progress every day!
