#31度网赚班# 2022重磅新课《个人IP底层实操大课》如何靠个人IP赚到10万、100万、1000万?
01 你好,我是粥左罗。憋了好久好久,我终于带着新课朝你走来了,你准备好零钱了么??虽然5年了,我的课一贯的好,但也先别着急。先一起探讨一个问题:










02 想去哪里,先看看谁已经去了那里




内含  21节音频教程+21节超详细文档

Hello, I'm Cong zuolo. After holding it for a long time, I finally came to you with the new class. Are you ready for change?? Although my classes have been good for five years, don't worry first. First, let's discuss a question: "how to earn 100000, 1million, 10million by building personal IP?" The first sentence I want to share is: "never think about how to earn 1million according to your current thinking model of monthly income of 5000 and 10000. A low-dimensional model will definitely not let you get high-dimensional results." When I was in high school, I knew that a person who planned how to get a second book would never accidentally get into 211 and 985. What should I do? Jump out and think. Jump out of the status quo, jump out of the present. So the second sentence is: where you want to go, you can start directly. The first "where" refers to the goal result, and the second "where" refers to the thinking model. 02 where do you want to go? First, let's see who has gone there. A 100000 class case: my friend Mu Xin, gave us a share of "second child Baoma, system work, sideline blogger, how do office workers earn 100000 +?", She is my fellow townsman in Shandong Province. In the third tier cities, her main business is civil servants, and she legally does sideline work. She began to learn to do we media in 2019. She earns 100000 more a year by relying on courses, communities and advertising. The local average monthly salary is 45. This year, she will definitely earn more. It is January to share with us. Two months later, she began to do the "efficient growth training camp". In the first three days, she recruited 80 people and realized 70000. The second phase is under recruitment. By the end of the year, it should be no problem to realize 100000 yuan. Contains 21 audio tutorials +21 ultra detailed documents
