#31度网赚班# SEO实操培训:玩转百万SEO流量,助力站长快速提升流量(18节视频课)


0.1 :前言


1.1 :移动搜索时代搜索词的多样性

1.2 :挖词

1.3 :整理词

1.4 :监控词


2.1 :搜索需求和搜索关键词

2.2 :每篇文章命中的是搜索需求而不要单独命中某个词

2.3 :标题的长度和两句话标题

2.4 :标题除了包含关键词外尽量有引导点击词


3.1 :文要根据标题定位来布局,可以扩展但不要标题党

3.2 :要知道正文的主词以及相关词,具体参考TF-IDF

3.3 :政不用全部原创,但需要唯一-性


4.1 :关键词工具有哪些软件可以用?

4.2 :标题布局多个关键词会不会导致排名难,因为权重分散

4.3 :指数大的词是写一篇高质量的文章,还是写多篇或用tag来做?

4.4 :通过挖词挖到大量意思相近的关键词,该如何发文章? .

4.5 :文章页怎么加内链,加几个好?


Course catalogue chapter 0: preface 0.1: preface Chapter 1: the establishment of thesaurus 1.1: the diversity of search words in the era of mobile search 1.2: word digging 1.3: word sorting 1.4: monitoring words Chapter 2: the writing of Title 2.1: search needs and search keywords 2.2: each article hits the search needs rather than hitting a word alone 2.3: the length of the title and two sentences Title 2.4: the title should try to have guiding click words in addition to the keywords Chapter 3: text Requirement 3.1: the text should be arranged according to the title positioning, which can be expanded but not the title. Party 3.2: to know the subject words and Related words of the text, refer to tf-idf3.3: politics does not need to be all original, but needs uniqueness Chapter 4: classroom Q & A 4.1: what software is available for keyword tools? 4.2: will the layout of multiple keywords in the title make it difficult to rank, because the weight is scattered 4.3: do words with large index write a high-quality article, or write multiple articles or use tag? 4.4: how to post an article if you find a large number of keywords with similar meanings through word digging 4.5: how to add internal links to the article page? 4.6: as for the number of articles, it is suggested that large websites often clear the library
