#31度网赚班# 直播带货365成长营,系统大课+专项提升,给你365天的成长伴学




























Chapter 1 (traffic) how to efficiently obtain [live broadcast recommendation] live broadcast recommendation free traffic obtain [short video] short video & Double frequency resonance in the live broadcast room [huge amount of thousands of rivers] how to pay for the launch without losing money (set strategies) strategy for the construction of people and goods yards in the live broadcast room Chapter 2 [operation model] choose the most suitable operation model [purchasing crowd] eight strategic crowds accurately lock [benchmarking account] benchmarking account comprehensive disassembly [people and goods yards] how to build high penetration people and goods yards (cold start) five 0-1 start-up practical operation schemes Chapter 3 [scheme 1] popular flat broadcast start-up [scheme 2] precise hold single starting number [scheme 3] new strange scene starting number [scheme 4] short video natural flow starting number [scheme 5] payment QianChuan starting number Chapter 4 (explosive payment) explosive payment building help 1-10 breakthrough [measurement] natural flow and payment flow measurement method [Payment] direct seeding room explosive payment three steps [steady flow] four stable flow scheduling models Chapter 5 (excellent data) data replication completion 10-100 bursts [store shaking compass] Comprehensively self check the four dimensions and adjust the transformation funnel of [five dimensions and four rates] to find out deficiencies and improve the eight situation Countermeasures of [huge amount of QianChuan] launch data
