#31度网赚班# 倩女幽魂手游半自动搬砖,工作室养老项目,单机高达100+【详细教程+指导】
其中游戏搬砖从最开始的万国觉醒,搬到妄想山海,6年在做的魔兽搬砖,历经了三个游戏,都能稳定输出。即使最近魔兽金价下降了不少,常规玩法从日赚300+ 400+跌到日赚200来块,也能保证每天有低保收入,不至于坐吃山空。





需要设备:电脑   比如e5 2678v3  运存32G  显卡1050大概可以开到25~30开  其余一般家用电脑5开~15开都可以。









Among them, the game brick moving started from the awakening of the world and moved to the mountain of delusion. The Warcraft brick moving, which has been doing for 6 years, has experienced three games and can be output stably. Even if the gold price of Warcraft has fallen a lot recently, and the conventional playing method has fallen from 300 + 400 + to 200 yuan a day, it can ensure that there is a minimum income every day, so as not to sit idle. Today, I recommend a relatively stable mobile game brick moving project - Qiannv ghost mobile game semi-automatic hanging up brick moving project introduction: register and hang up through auxiliary technology, register to level 69, and then make a treasure map through freight transportation. Pour rice. Sell ghosts. Gold coins are produced by selling treasures and other ways to obtain income. At present, the proportion of game currency is 1 yuan =100000, which mainly depends on the materials sold and the daily natural output. A Zibing new area can sell 10-20 thousand, red ice 10000-20000, as well as school materials, treasure maps and so on. Many things can be sold for money. If you produce a top-notch equipment or stunt, you can sell hundreds of thousands at a time, so there are many places where this game can earn money. Equipment required: computers such as E5 2678v3 storage 32g graphics card 1050 can be turned on to 25~30, and other general home computers can be turned on to 15. Game play: at present, there are two main ways to play the game, which are also the usual two ways to play mobile games. First, continue to catch up with the new area and eat dividends. As soon as the object falls, continue to change the new area. Repeat this! The second is to choose large and old areas, and sell some materials to merchants steadily every day. The income will not be too high, that is, stable. Who are the materials and gold coins sold to? Account materials can be directly traded on the official platform of Netease treasure Pavilion. Material gold coins are recycled by merchants on public channels. As long as you have something, you don't have to worry about selling it. It depends on the market price. Profit: because it needs to start at level 69 to have output, there is no fixed cycle of profit calculation. The output reported by peer Studios is 50+ to 100 + daily income. (the income is too high, which is unrealistic, and others will not tell you.) the starting time needs to be hung up for 7-10 days. There is no way. It takes so long from level 0 to 69. So: tomorrow is beautiful, but many people died last night. Need supporting: one piece of IP software 15 (five numbers are recommended for 1ip) + software assistance 150 (unlimited number for single machine) + small size 0.7~1 yuan / piece (buy several for a few drives), and the cost is more than 100 yuan to start. (there are channels in the tutorial) tutorial content: more open tutorials + software assisted use tutorials + cash out tutorials + material tutorials + project detailed tutorials
