#31度网赚班# 小红书实战营3.0-重磅来袭:做好小红书IP,到底有多赚钱?(价值7999元) 课程来自谢无敌的小红书实战营3.0,价值7999元。想当博主零开始怎么做?尝试自己做小红书数据差!遇到涨粉瓶颈商业变现完全不懂!有产品有服务,苦于没有流量转化!怎么通过小红书把流量引导门店来?这些问题通通邦你解决。

The course comes from Xie Wudi's Little Red Book Practice camp 3.0, worth 7999 yuan. How do you want to be a blogger from scratch? Try to do little red book data difference by yourself! I don't understand the commercial realization when encountering the bottleneck of rising powder! There are products and services, suffering from no traffic conversion! How to guide the traffic to the store through the little red book? These problems can be solved by you.
