#31度网赚班# 小白0基础搭建微信喝酒重启人生小程序,支持流量广告【源码+视频教程】 很火的酒吧灯光喝酒多种游戏一体的微信小程序搭建教程,支持对接流量主广告收益









The wechat applet building tutorial integrating a variety of games and drinking in a popular bar light supports docking with the advertising revenue of traffic masters. function introduction: the source code of the cloud development drinking artifact 2.0 purchased by Taobao (with traffic masters and life restart). The cloud development applet can be built without a server. The tutorial of "boxing" with installation documents is out of date. The most popular drinking artifact in Tiktok is a must for meals, bars and KTVs! The cloud development version does not need a server and domain name, with traffic main ads, increases the restart of life simulator games, improves the interaction rate, and increases the guidance of official account attention and traffic diversion introduction to applet: the main revenue of wechat applet comes from the advertising fees of traffic masters. First, after the applet is reviewed and launched, the traffic masters can be activated if the conditions are met. After the advertisement is connected, the specific amount of cash can be realized depends on your ability. Of course, if you are more active, you can also charge others to build small programs. You can earn hundreds of dollars per order. Why not? This applet can be built directly from the front-end source code without a server! Wechat applet can be accessed by all mobile phones! You need to use a computer to build: do not shoot without a computer! Automatic delivery after placing an order, including applet source code + detailed video operation tutorial
