#31度网赚班# 外面卖1000+的闲鱼精品:拼多多砍价项目,一个号一天纯赚40+适合新手0门槛 这个项目外面买1000+,现在做的人还不是很多,很适合小白入手,没有任何门槛,只要有手机,和咸鱼号即可。




下面是人家做的,才一个号一天出单25个,成本也就5快左右,人家一个卖1.5,相当于净赚40,自己算算批量放大做号的利润吧 !

There are not many people who buy 1000+ outside this project. It is very suitable for Xiaobai to start with. There is no threshold. As long as there is a mobile phone and a salted fish number. Everyone should have played pinduoduo to get cash assistance. It takes a lot of help to get cash. Our current project is to help others. We hang links like pinduoduo help machetes on the saltfish platform. Of course, we don't help others by ourselves. We have this special platform for assistance. When customers place an order with you, they will link the assistance to you. You only need to copy the link to the platform to place an order. An order can be made in ten seconds. The following is what people do. Only 25 orders a day are made for one number, and the cost is about 5 fast. People sell 1.5, which is equivalent to a net profit of 40. Calculate the profits of mass scale-up!
