#31度网赚班# 外面卖1580的链游挂机搬砖项目【详细教程+挂机脚本】 自做项目,本身不太想投稿









I don't want to contribute to a self-made project, but everyone in the group is distressed about the project. Forget it, just vote. First of all, if there is a computer, you don't need to look at it if it doesn't have or is configured with too junk lightning. You don't need to look at it if you don't know the digital currency exchange (Huo coin / Qian'an / Ouyi), I didn't write this stupid thing in my tutorial (don't shoot the computer for nothing, for example, you don't even know what the basic simulator is). The single machine 20 is opened for 6 days, and the floating project principle is about 210 every day: the simulator logs in to the blockchain mobile game in multiple windows, and the central control script automatically runs the task upgrade. After reaching level 40, the account can be sold at the market price (30-40rmb). In addition, after level 40, the game can be mined and exchanged for t coins every day, At present, the price of one currency is about 1 RMB. We only need to import a large number of mining scripts into our account and upgrade them automatically. The project is stable and can be done for a long time! Project profit: starting and selling numbers: after hanging up for 3 days and rising to level 40, you can sell numbers. The cost of an account is 1.8, and the cost of charter IP is 30. If the window is opened at 20 and the recycling price is 30 at the lowest, the 7-day net profit is 1200-1.8 * 20 = 1164, and the monthly profit is 4656-30 = 4626 yuan. Exchange for t-coins: after level 40, mining can be exchanged for about 10t coins per day. It is upgraded in the first three days without income. For the remaining 27 days, 10t coins per day, a total of 270t coins. The total amount of 20 windows is 5400t yuan. The price of T currency is about 1 RMB and the income range is about 5400 RMB. The higher the computer configuration, the more windows open, and the greater the income!
