#31度网赚班# 某公众号付费文章:群流量抖音玩法,一年能搞200w





Some time ago, I saw a friend in the communication group in a small circle say that in 2022, there are still people doing group traffic, post bar and idle fish. Netchuang powder can realize tens of millions a year. I thought it was bragging for the first time, but I didn't know it was true until I went to see it. The operation I said today may not be on the table. The public development may be shamed by many people, but it is absolutely awesome. Therefore, there is no threshold for setting this kind of play under the protection of paid reading, because it is completely a poor information. To some extent, the way Tiktok plays group traffic is more awesome than the wechat group in those years, because the original operation of changing wechat groups came from fan fan groups. It is difficult for you to effectively screen groups, but Tiktok can directly provide accurate group traffic. At present, this method of playing is still paying dividends, but if the rules change in the later stage, this method of playing will be cool. At present, Tiktok has not seen a large-scale team or studio that operates like this.
