#31度网赚班# 借视频流量,卖小众音频变现,日传5视频无人值守躺赚项目!


#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# Borrowing video traffic, selling niche audios, and making money by selling 5 videos daily!


Exclusive small projects, the gameplay will be launched on the whole network! In fact, this project is completely coincidental. In the beginning, little brother Wenxuan was working on resources in this area. Later, I discovered a new gameplay of this project on foreign YouTube videos (youtube), and then I improved this gameplay and used it on domestic video platforms. The test is feasible! The project can be extended, and the gameplay can also be extended. I throw a brick, I hope everyone can find their own jade.

Course content:

01. Daily 5-view unmanned person on duty to receive and lie in the project

02. Materials + software

The gameplay is simple, video running frequency traffic, no need to serve customers, unattended transactions, now referred to the second account.




