#31度网赚班# 抖音直播带货爆单运营成长训练营,手把手教你玩转直播带货


"课程大纲 "

"O平台基础认知与运营逻辑 "
"1、平台的发展历程 "

"2、我们都应该知道的兴趣电商 "

"3、电商运营要明白的平台端底层逻辑 "
"4、电商运营要参透的用户端底层逻辑 "
"5、用户在平台买东西的链路 "

"6、用户买东西的链路对应的数据 "
"7、平台流量推送的逻辑解析 "

"8、平台流量推送的机制解析 "

"9、影响直播间的八大数据维度 "
"10、维度一:曝光点击与转化率 "
"11、维度二:千次观看成交金额 "
"12、维度三:直播间的转粉率 "

"O直播增效四大工具及避坑指南 "
"13、账号设置与基础功能认知 "

"14、实用工具大全 "

"15、小店后台核心功能与工具实操 "
"16、巨量百应的核心功能 "

"17、巨量千川是什么 "

"18、直播间十二大避坑指南 "

"O直播间的产品营销策划 "
"19、平台爆款产品的认知 "
"20、爆款产品打造方法论 "

"21、产品核心竞争力与卖点分析 "
"22、爆款测试的模型打造核心 "

"23、模型一:引流款模型搭建 "

"24、模型二:福利款模型搭建 "

"25、模型三:大爆款模型搭建 "

"26、模型四:利润款模型搭建 "

"27、模型五:形象款模型搭建 "

"O带货主播的孵化方法论 "
"28、主播的能力模型表格 "
"29、主播的基本素养分析 "

"30、四大类型主播的人选分析 "
"31、主播形象打造之基础属性 "
"32、主播形象打造之包装属性 "

"33、主播能力培养之互动能力提升 "
"34、主播单品循环话术轮岗训练 "

"35、卖点挖掘能力特训 "

"O直播间的起号方法论(上) "
"36、直播带货的启动期策略 "

"37、直播带货的稳定期策略 "

"38、直播带货的成熟期策略 "

"39、直播间启动期的考核指标之流量获取 "
"40、直播间启动期该如何打标签 "

"41、直播间常见的起号方法 "

"42、直播间的短视频起号法 "

"43、直播间的直播推荐起号法 "
"44、直播的付费起号法 "

"45、快速获取直播推荐的四要素 "

"46、直播推荐起号案例全维度解析 "

"O直播间的起号方法论(下) "
"47、直播间ABF起号产品模型 "
"48、直播间ABF起号实橾方法 "

"49、平播爆款起号爆款挖掘方法 "
"so、平播爆款起号实操方法 "

"51、直播间十二大营销玩法 "

"O流量策略及实操案例拆解 "
"52、付费投放的意义与价值 "

"53、千川基础定向模型搭建 "

"54、达人模型搭建 "

"55、千川跑模型搭建实操 "

"56、实操千川实操案例拆解 "

#31 Degree Network Earning Class# Douyin live broadcast with goods bursting orders operation growth training camp, teach you how to play live broadcast with goods 111 "course outline"
"Basic cognition and operation logic of O platform" "1. The development history of the platform" "2. Interested e-commerce that we should all know" "3. The underlying logic of the platform side that should be understood in e-commerce operation" "4. E-commerce operation The underlying logic of the client to be penetrated""5. The link for the user to buy things on the platform""6. The data corresponding to the link for the user to buy things""7. The logic analysis of the platform traffic push""8. The platform traffic push Mechanism analysis""9. Eight data dimensions that affect the live broadcast room""10. Dimension 1: Exposure clicks and conversion rate""11. Dimension 2: The turnover per thousand views""12. Dimension 3: The conversion rate of the live broadcast room ""O Four Tools for Live Streaming Efficiency and Guide to Avoiding Pit"""13. Account Settings and Basic Function Cognition""14. A Complete Collection of Practical Tools""15. Small Store Backstage Core Functions and Tools Practice""16. Huge Quantity Baiying's core functions""17. What is a huge amount of thousands of rivers?""18. Guide to the 12 major pit avoidance in live broadcast rooms""O product marketing planning in live broadcast rooms""19. Cognition of popular products on the platform""20, Methodology for creating popular products""21. Analysis of product core competitiveness and selling points""22. Model building core for popular testing""23. Model 1: Model construction of drainage models""24. Model 2: Model construction of welfare models" "25. Model 3: Model building of a popular model" "26. Model 4: Model building of a profit model" "27. Model 5: Model building of an image model" "O-carried anchor's incubation methodology" "28. Anchor's ability model Form ""29. Analysis of the basic literacy of anchors" "30. Analysis of the candidates of the four major types of anchors" "31. Basic attributes of anchor image creation" "32. The packaging attributes of anchor image creation" "33. The interaction of anchor ability training Ability improvement""34. Rotational training of anchors' single product cycle speech skills""35. Special training on selling point mining capabilities""The method of starting a live broadcast room (Part 1)""36. The strategy for the start-up period of live broadcast delivery""37 、Strategy for the stable period of live broadcast delivery""38、Mature period strategy of live broadcast delivery""39、Traffic acquisition of assessment indicators during the start-up period of the live broadcast room""40、How to label the start-up period of the live broadcast room""41、Live broadcast Common starting number methods in live broadcast rooms""42, short video starting number method in live broadcast rooms""43, live broadcast recommended starting number method in live broadcast rooms""44, live broadcast paid starting number method""45, four ways to quickly get live broadcast recommendations Elements""46. Full-dimensional analysis of live broadcast recommendation cases""O Methodology of live broadcast room starting (Part 2)""47. Live broadcast room ABF starting number product model""48. Live broadcast room ABF starting number actual method"" 49. Mining methods of popular models for flat broadcasts""so, Practical methods for starting numbers of flat broadcasts""51. Twelve major marketing methods of live broadcast rooms""O traffic strategy and practical case dismantling""52 , the meaning and value of paid placement""53, Qianchuan basic directional model construction""54, the talent model Construction ""55, Qianchuan running model construction practice ""56, practical case dismantling of Qianchuan operation"
