#31度网赚班# 《天猫抖音爆品孵化课程》独家绝密新品引爆法

#31 DegreeNet Earning Class# "Tmall Douyin Explosive Product Incubation Course" exclusive top-secret new product detonation method 'Douyin actual combat gold medal lecturer group peter wu, "Douyin KOC 10,000 people matrix with goods" explosive marketing project sponsor and mentor He is good at cracking the algorithm models of major platforms in the world. He has achieved sales revenue of 10 million US dollars by cracking the algorithm of the well-known cross-border e-commerce wish platform, and led more than 8,000 cross-border e-commerce sellers to achieve annual sales of 420 million US dollars! Pure online courses: Fragmented learning, flexible and free, and replayable.
Content outline: 1. Tmall brand + Douyin live broadcast 7-week new product detonation method; 2. The latest Tmall explosive product + short video + live broadcast to create a gameplay, exclusive top-secret new product detonation method (1)
3. The latest Tmall explosion product + short video + live broadcast to create gameplay, exclusive top-secret new product detonation method (2)

抖音实战金牌讲师团peter wu,“抖音KOC万人矩阵带货”爆款营销项目发起人及导师;擅长破解全球各大主流平台算法模型,曾通过破解知名跨境电商wish平台算法,实现千万美金销售收入,并带领8000多名跨境电商卖家,实现4.2亿美金全年销售额!纯线上课程:碎片化学习,灵活自由,可重复回看。


以上就是 #31度网赚班# 《天猫抖音爆品孵化课程》独家绝密新品引爆法 网赚教程 的全部内容


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