#31度网赚班# 最近爆火的一单300元光盘修复项目,掌握技术一天搞几千元【教程+软件】

#31 Degree Online Earning Class# A 300-yuan CD-ROM repair project that has exploded recently, mastering the technology and making thousands of dollars a day [tutorial + software]


In the past two days, the CD repair project has been discussed in the circle. Many partners have asked me whether this project can be done, whether there is a market, and there is still a market for this project. Now living conditions are better, many of them want to restore some memories from the past. Especially some wedding videos are paid by older people, the project is a good project

At present, the daily income is really good. It costs about 300 yuan to repair a CD. Some partners can do dozens or even hundreds of orders a day, which is really awesome. The project is actually not difficult. technology can begin to operate.


