
#31 Degree Wangzhuan Class# Douyin e-commerce self-broadcasting single crash course: the latest course of Wangchuan Education, 27 video courses + course supporting tool form

Course Catalog:

Chapter 1: Is there still a chance to enter Douyin e-commerce in 2022?

[Decryption] Ten misunderstandings of Douyin e-commerce business

[Logic] The correct logic of Douyin e-commerce business

[Thinking] Douyin E-commerce 0-1 Layout Ideas

[Tools] Douyin E-commerce Core Tools Collection

Chapter 2: A set of practical live broadcast room selection strategies and skills

[Thinking] The importance of self-broadcasting

[Model] Boston Matrix 2.0

[Selection] 3 kinds of self-broadcasting and efficient selection techniques

【Case】Case Analysis

Chapter 3: Douyin Live Streaming Quickly Breaks the Cold Start Cheats

[Data] Analysis of Douyin Live Streaming Traffic

[Thinking] The importance of breaking through the cold start

[Starting number] Pre-allocation gameplay quickly breaks the cold start

Chapter 4: Master the core principles of converting live broadcast rooms to full price

[Principle] Douyin traffic matching logic

[Mode] Matching logic of people and goods in the live room

[Methods] Case analysis of high-quality content live broadcast rooms

【Case】Analysis of classic cases of regular price conversion

Chapter 5: A set of 99% effective tricks for prolonging the broadcast time

【Data】According to the data feedback, the effective time is extended

[Host] The status of the host team determines the duration and quality

[Stay] Script analysis of high-stay live studio

Chapter 6: How to control the flow rate in a million-level live broadcast room

[Analysis] The meaning behind the flow rate in the live broadcast room

【Weight】Key indicators that affect transaction density

【Case】Analysis of excellent cases of flow rate stability

Chapter 7: Talent training plan for millions of live broadcast rooms

[Industry] Talent opportunities in the live broadcast room

【Model】Standard Live Room Post Portrait

[Position] Competency of the post in the live broadcast room

【Plan】Basic talent training plan


































