#31度网赚班# 《21天状态提升训练营》让你的人生重回正轨[5.6GB干货视频教程]

"21 day state improvement training camp" puts your life back on track


A good life is like a smooth train, steady and high-speed; A life out of control is like a train derailed in the middle, full of dangers.

If you find out in horror that you can no longer control the train of life:

The rhythm of life is chaotic, so I can only look up to the physical examination report and sigh;

Those in love are out of control, and are teased by joy, anger, sorrow, thought and panic every day; The work is from the master to the master, leaving only fatigue, emptiness and meaningless labor; The relationship loses harmony, quarrels and internal friction every day, and I don't know what to do.

Then it's time for you to adjust!

Don't wait until you break down to pick up everything. From now on, face your life again

Get your life back on track

Comprehensive state improvement training camp, let you

Control your life, control your emotions and gain courage!

When the state is poor, it may be that the work, study and interpersonal relationship are not smooth on the surface, but the essential reasons are:

Daily life is disordered (like the deck of a ship starts to leak)

Emotional disorder (as if the sails were beginning to fail) Virtual faith shakes (like the compass starts to malfunction)

These three aspects can limit you and achieve you.

This course is designed for these three core reasons to take you out of the traditional misunderstanding

Day1 all you can grasp is the present moment - mindfulness and control mp4

Day2 makes efficiency a choice you don't need to consider - mindfulness and daily life mp4

Day3 is always 18 - mindfulness and energy management mp4

Day4 farewell to endless tossing and turning - mindfulness and sleep training mp4

Day5 what people fear most is that they are always against themselves - mindfulness and self acceptance mp4

Day8 only when we really see the problem can we solve it - nature liberation training mp4

Day9 keeps every tear from flowing in vain - how to control depression mp4

Day10 variable speed running can still reach thousands of miles - how to control impulse mp4

Day11 brings a bright future to the fore - how to manage anxiety mp4

It's easy to work, difficult to succeed, easy to succeed, difficult to keep work, easy to keep work, difficult to finish work - how to save yourself emotionally mp4

Does day15 want nothing or dare not want anything—— Obsession and goal setting mp4

Let your obsession with victory become a habit mp4

Before the Day17 charge, build a wall for your heart - obsession and lies mp4

Day18 is always waving the wrong one, so that we can meet the right one - clinging to others mp4

Day19 choose to grow, choose not to make do with, and choose happiness -- obsession and protagonist mentality mp4

[forerunner lesson] unconsciously, how did we give in to the world mp4

Human wealth creation system

Forerunner lesson: unconsciously, how did we give in to the world mp4

Lesson 1 live replay: Mindfulness, control & daily life mp4

Lesson 3 live replay: nature liberates and controls depression mp4

Lesson 2 live replay: Mindfulness, energy management, sleep training and self acceptance mp4

Lesson 5 live replay: obsession and goal setting, competitive mind mp4

Lesson 6 live replay: obsession and lies, others, the protagonist's mentality mp4

Lesson 4 live replay: control impulse, anxiety and emotional self rescue mp4















day1 你能把握的只有当时当下——正念与掌控.mp4
day2 让高效成为你不需要考虑的选择——正念与日常生活.mp4
day3 永远十八岁——正念与精力管理.mp4
day4 告别没有尽头的辗转反侧——正念与睡眠训练.mp4
day5 人最怕的,就是总与自我为敌——正念与自我接纳.mp4
day8 只有真正看见问题才能解决问题——天性解放训练.mp4
day9 让每一滴眼泪都不白流——如何驾驭沮丧.mp4
day10 变速跑,依旧可以至千里——如何驾驭冲动.mp4
day11 让美好的未来近在眼前——如何驾驭焦虑.mp4
day12 图功易,成功难,成功易,守功难,守功易,终功难——如何情绪自救.mp4
day15 是什么都不想要,还是什么都不敢要?——执念与目标设定.mp4
day16 让竞争与胜利成为一种你改不掉的习惯——执念与好胜心.mp4
day17 冲锋前,为你的内心铸好城墙——执念与谎言.mp4
day18 总是挥别错的,才能与对的相逢——执念与他人.mp4
day19 选择成长,选择不将就,也选择幸福——执念与主角心态.mp4
第一课直播回放:正念、掌控 & 日常生活.mp4

以上就是《21天状态提升训练营》让你的人生重回正轨[5.6GB干货视频教程] 网赚教程 的全部内容


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