#31度网赚班# 轻松高效写作:影评书评人物稿写作训练营:一篇文章收入千元以上

Easy and efficient writing: film review book review character draft writing training camp: an article earning more than 1,000 yuan Film review section: the author who writes film reviews and character drafts will also link to many actors and directors, and will get interview opportunities and get close contact with idols Chance. Maybe I can transform into a screenwriter later, or do work related to film and television.
Book reviews: The same is true for book reviews. After many new books are listed, they need to be promoted. Someone needs to write a book review and someone needs to promote it. If you happen to be good at writing, you may receive manuscripts and business orders. Not only do you read books for free, but you can also get a manuscript fee or promotion fee.
Character draft part: If you want to make a good account, the most important thing is positioning, that is, what article to post.
This positioning cannot be imagined out of thin air and needs to be supported by data.
Therefore, I collected 1,000 popular articles on various platforms, as well as articles that are easy to get the Qingyun plan. The data obtained are as follows: 90% of articles with a reading volume of more than 50W, except for current affairs news, are film reviews and character drafts.
We made a new account attempt by ourselves, the weight is relatively low, and the articles are generally not read much, but one of the character drafts has reached nearly 30W of readings.
Realization part: Know these five questions, an article earns more than 1,000 yuan, Typesetting class: Learn to typesetting, and add icing on the cake to your article.
Course Catalog: Book Review Lesson 1: All-round interpretation of the manuscript, so that you will no longer be confused after listening. Book Review Lesson 3: How to efficiently unpack a book and write a brilliant book review. Book Review Lesson 2: Various book reviews, after reading , How to write a book list. Book Review Lesson 4: How to split the book efficiently and write a brilliant listening script. Character Draft Lesson 1: Five methods to help you easily find characters worthy of writing and quickly accumulate materials. Character Draft Lesson 3: Wonderful beginning and structure make the Character Draft more attractive to readers. Character Draft Lesson 2: Three ways to quickly set the theme, and seven headlines to attract attention. Character Draft Lesson 4: Contagious Five ending methods can resonate more with readers. Realization class: figure out these five problems, an article can earn more than 1,000 yuan. The first lesson of film criticism: choose the right movie, learn to watch movies, and win at the starting line. The third lesson of film criticism : The universal structure of movie reviews makes your article more logically logical. Lesson 2 of movie reviews: These methods will help you easily find an entry point and write movie reviews that readers love. Lesson 4 of movie reviews: Write the beginning and end well, The icing on the cake for your film review. Typography Lesson: Learn to typography and give your article the icing on the cake.








汤小小轻松高效写作:第17期影评书评人物稿写作训练营 价值799元 课程目录:















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