#31度网赚班#价值9999元 Yoyo·镜头表现力陪练营,人人都能上手的镜头表现力课

The camera performance training camp, the camera performance class that everyone can learn is here for you - the lens performance class that everyone can start without having to be a major. To help you be more confident and calm in front of the camera, the expressive power of short videos and live broadcasts is created in two dimensions, and a set of practical guides for improving the performance of the camera lens.
Course Catalog: [Guidance Course] Bloggers with good camera performance need these three forces and three senses. [Lesson 1] What method is used to shoot short videos that are more conducive to continuous daily updates? -1.【Lesson 1】What is the best way to shoot short videos for continuous daily updates? -2.【Lesson 2】Not enough expressiveness? Using body language in this way is natural and not contrived-1.m4a [Lesson 2] Not expressive enough? Use body language in this way without being pretentious-2.【Lesson 3】How to speak to make your voice more contagious.【Lesson 4】Do these 4 points, let you say goodbye to camera discomfort-1.【Lesson 4 】Do these 4 points, let you say goodbye to lens discomfort-2.【5th lesson】4 steps, let you be more photogenic in the video.【6th lesson】How to effectively improve the clarity of the video-1.【6th Lesson] How to effectively improve the clarity of the video - 2. [Lesson 7] Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style - 1.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your own style - 2.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-3.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-4.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-5.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-6.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-7.【Lesson Seven】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-8.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-9.【Lesson Seven】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-10.【Lesson 7】Do you want to act or be yourself? Find your exclusive style-11.【Lesson 8】4 tricks to keep your audience in the live broadcast room.m4a【Lesson 9】The whole process of editing a video in 5 minutes-1.【Lesson 9】Editing in 5 minutes The whole process of a video-2.


Yoyo·镜头表现力陪练营,人人都能上手的镜头表现力课 课程目录:


























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