#31度网赚班# 借力头条免费送实现双向收益,项目难度不大,原创实操视频讲解

Leveraging Toutiao’s free delivery to achieve two-way benefits, the project is not difficult, and the original practical video explains that this project is a practical project that can be implemented, without the need to actively drain the flow. Leveraging Toutiao’s recommendation mechanism, accurate content recommendation allows precise demand The user actively contacts and realizes passive traffic.
The two-way revenue of the project is divided into two parts, one part comes from the headline advertising share income, and the other part comes from the accurate traffic back-end conversion. The platform advertising share accounts for a small head, and the back-end conversion accounts for the majority. The unit price of back-end converted customers can range from 9.9 to 99. Set your own price.
This project is suitable for novice operation, and also suitable for those friends who have not done the headline number. You can consider transforming the field of free delivery, because some things can be updated, and there is no need to worry about the content being exhausted. After all, the money from platform advertising is not earned. The flow of money comes quickly.
Because it is shown as a practical case, the recorded video explanation can be more straightforward! Watch the operation process, divided into three video courses to explain, the total time is 17 minutes, directly demonstrate how to operate, don't talk nonsense, don't waste everyone's time, after watching the video It's done.
This project is not difficult, and the operation is relatively brainless. In addition, the formal content is very formal. There is no active advertising to attract traffic outside the site. Passive traffic does not have to worry about illegal bans. It is basically suitable for everyone to operate. The technical content is not high, and it can be operated for a long time as long as you are willing to do it.






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