无脑纯挂机网赚项目: 小说自动阅读项目,单台电脑多开日赚80,多台批量操作,月入2w+(教程+资料)


提供软件,每个帐号6小时可阅读5万金币。5万金币为5块钱,一个帐号一天是5块钱,大牛科技软件可在电脑多开多帐号阅读可上班挂机不影响工作。Brainless pure hook-up online earning Project: automatic novel reading project, a single computer can earn 80 more per day, multiple batch Operations, monthly income 2w+ (tuTorial + information)
Automatic novel reading project. There are computers to play. You can make more money by opening multiple accounts on the computer. You can make money when you turn on the computer while you are at work. Doesn't affect work, Xiaobai can play!
Provide software, each account can read 50,000 gold coins in 6 hours. 50,000 gold coins are 5 yuan, and an account is 5 yuan a day. Daniu technology software can open multiple accounts on the computer to read and go to work and hang up without affecting work.
Automatic reading project condition 1: One computer can open 16 more accounts 2: It is necessary to log in with WeChat ID 3: WeChat ID must be real-named, otherwise the withdrawal is unsuccessful 4: One WeChat account is an account 5: Pure computer hangs up and automatically reads 6: How much money you can make depends on how many WeChat accounts you have to get on the bus. You must see the necessary conditions clearly. The auto-reading project fare is RMB 368. After the project gets on the bus, it is not allowed to get off the bus for various reasons. The project can be played for more than half a year. Xiaobai can play, and he will pay if he rolls over.
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