大家在安装好 Windows 10 之后,一般都只是使用它的默认设置。但是,Win 系统里有很多默认设定对用户其实并不特别“有利”,甚至一不小心还会有泄漏个人隐私的可能。


Windows 隐私保护/系统优化设置工具

After you install Windows 10, you usually just use its default settings. However, there are many default settings in the Win system that are not particularly "beneficial" to users, and even if they are not careful, they may leak personal privacy.

These settings, such as ad tracking, user targeting, etc., although they may not seem harmful, but they may be used by others to spy on and collect your privacy and personal information. The light is to accurately piece together the user portrait implantation push ads, and the heavy will also leak privacy to the hands of the black industry, so friends who are sensitive to security, with the help of privacy protection tools such as "WPD" to adjust the system is better...

Windows Privacy Protection/System Optimizer Setup Tool

WPD Chinese edition is a green free "privacy protection tool" specially created for Windows 10/8/7 system users, similar to the once recommended "Dism++", the same free ad-free, no rogue, small size (only a few hundred KB), but WPD is more focused on the system privacy and security optimization settings to assist this piece, is a good tool to install or maintain the system.

WPD software by adjusting Windows local policies, turning on and off services, planning, setting fireproof soil, software uninstallation, system permission settings, system fine-tuning optimization and other aspects to ensure your system security and protect your private information from being easily leaked.

Functionally, WPD is mainly divided into four parts: privacy management, malicious IP blocking (fireproof settings), app store program uninstallation, and system optimization. The latest version of the "WPD" tool already supports the latest "Windows 10" and Win7/Win8, and requires .NET Framework 4.5+ support to run.

With WPD's Manage Privacy Settings feature, you can adjust and turn off windows with nearly 50 privacy-related options, click the "question mark" with the mouse to view the corresponding introduction, and turn them on and off according to your own preferences.

As you can see from the screenshot above, WPD's privacy and security options are very rich. Of course, if you are more extreme, you can also disable all privacy settings with one click, and then restart your computer.

The "Fireproof Dirt" feature can turn on and off the system network fireproof soil, and allows you to block the system's own applications, third-party software or Windows updates. There's also malicious IP blocking to prevent known malicious IPs from connecting to your PC.

The "Apps" module is the Appx Uninstaller, which can help you remove and uninstall some of the software and programs that are pre-installed on your system to make your system cleaner.

Why do I need privacy optimization?

In the case of Windows 10, for example, it collects software installation data, browser data, and searches on your PC by default

WPD 中文版是一款专门为 Windows 10/8/7 系统用户打造的绿色免费「隐私保护工具」 ,类似 曾经推荐过的「Dism++」,同样免费无广告不流氓,体积小巧 (仅几百 KB),但 WPD 更侧重在系统隐私安全优化设置辅助这一块,是装机或维护系统的好工具。

WPD 这款软件通过调整 Windows 的本地策略、开启关闭服务、计划、设置防火土啬、软件卸载、系统权限设置、系统微调优化等多个方面,来保证你的系统安全以及保护你的隐私信息不轻易被泄露。


功能上 WPD 主要分为四个部分:隐私管理、恶意 IP 拦截 (防火土啬设置)、应用商店程序卸载、系统优化。最新版的「WPD」工具已经支持了最新的「Windows 10」以及 Win7 / Win8 了,运行需要 .NET Framework 4.5+ 支持。

通过 WPD 的「管理隐私设置」功能,可以调整和关闭 Windows 接近 50 多个隐私相关的选项,通过鼠标点击“问号”即可查看对应的介绍,根据你自己的喜好开启和关闭它们即可。


从上面的截图中你可以看到,WPD 的隐私安全选项非常丰富。当然,如果你比较极端的话,也可以一键禁用全部隐私设置,然后重启你的电脑就搞定了。


防火土啬」功能可以对系统网络防火土啬进行开启关闭,并且可以让你对系统的自带应用、第三方软件或者是 Windows 更新进行拦截。而且还有恶意 IP 拦截功能,可以防止已知的恶意 IP 连接到你的电脑。


应用程序」模块则是应用商店程序卸载 (Appx 卸载器) ,可以帮你移除并卸载一些系统预装的软件和程序,让你的系统更加干净。


以 Windows 10 为例,它默认就会收集你电脑上的软件安装数据、浏览器数据、搜索记录、手写/录入和语音数据、设备配置,还有你的地理位置信息、广告喜好等等数据。甚至,如果你激活了 Cortana (小娜助手),那么还会默认允许收集下面的信息:

  • 你的设备的位置
  • 你的电子邮件和短信数据
  • 你的日历数据
  • 使用的应用程序
  • 你的联系人列表
  • 谁正在与你通话
  • 你经常与谁联系
  • 你的闹钟设置
  • 你设备上的音乐
  • 你购买了哪些东西
  • 如果你使用了必应(Bing)搜索引擎,还会搜集你的搜索历史

这些私人的数据被记录和被跟踪,虽然说并不会产生直接的危害 (间接的谁也说不准),但这种被“偷窥”的感觉终究是不爽的。有没必要去禁止它们,其实是一个见仁见智的问题,你可以完全不把它们当回事,但也可以小心为上,避免黑客拿到它们做进一步的坏事。毕竟如今在意隐私的人也是越来越多了,所以 WPD 这类工具也应运而生。


总的来说「WPD」这款免费小巧的隐私设置工具还是很实用的,它可以帮助人们把各种隐私泄露的风险降到最低,也可以有效的保护个人信息,并且可以让你对系统的自带应用、第三方软件或者是 Windows 进行更新拦截。

而且 WPD 完全免费无广告,官方绿色便携多语言(支持中文),支持命令行参数调用 (文档),高手们还可以将它整合到自己的脚本里,配合 WinGet 命令,实现一键装机:安装软件 + 一键配置 Windows 系统的隐私安全,玩法还是很多的。


