WordPress 5.3 Beta 1 发布了,改进记录包括:

Group block and grouping interactions
Columns block improvements (width support + patterns)
Table block improvements (text alignment support, header/footer support, colors)
Gallery block improvements (reordering inline, caption support)
SeparaTor block improvements (color support)
Latest Posts block improvements (support excerpt, content)
List block improvements (indent/outdent shortcuts, start value and reverse order support)
Button block improvements (support target, border radius)
Animations and micro interactions (moving blocks, dropdowns, and a number of small animations to improve the UX)
Accessibility Navigation Mode which will allow you to navigate with the keyboard between blocks without going into their content.
Block Style Variations API

Data Module API improvements (useSelect/useEffect)
Inserter Help Panel
Extensibility: DocumentSettingsPanel
Snackbar notices
Typewriter Experience
Fix a number of Accessibility report issues
