nginx 1.19.1 主线版已发布,更新内容如下:

  • Change: 在使用 HTTP/2 时,"lingering_close", "lingering_time" 和 "lingering_timeout" 指令现在可正常工作
  • Change: 后端发送的额外数据会被丢弃
  • Change: 收到来自 FastCGI 服务器的过短响应后,nginx 会尝试将响应中可用的部分发送给客户端,然后关闭客户端连接
  • Change: 从 gRPC 后端接收到长度不正确的响应后,nginx 会停止响应处理并报告错误
  • Feature: "proxy_cache_path", "fastcgi_cache_path", "scgi_cache_path" 和 "uwsgi_cache_path" 指令的 "min_free" 参数
  • bugfix: 修复 nginx 在使用 SIGQUIT 信号处于关机期间,没有删除 unix domain listen socket 的问题
  • Bugfix: 修复未对零长度的 UDP 数据包进行代理的问题
  • Bugfix: 修复使用 SSL 代理到 uwsgi 后端可能无法运行的问题
  • Bugfix: 使用 "ssl_ocsp" 指令时的错误处理
  • Bugfix: 修复在 XFS 和 NFS 文件系统上,磁盘缓存大小可能会被计算错误的问题
  • Bugfix: 如果 Memcached 服务器返回了一个 malformed 响应,日志中可能会出现 "negative size buf in writer" 的警告
  • Changes with nginx 1.19.1 07 Jul 2020

    *) Change: the "lingering_close", "lingering_time", and
    "lingering_timeout" directives now work when using HTTP/2.

    *) Change: now extra data sent by a backend are always discarded.

    *) Change: now after receiving a too short response from a FastCGI
    server nginx tries to send the available part of the response to the
    client, and then closes the client connection.

    *) Change: now after receiving a response with incorrect length from a
    gRPC backend nginx stops response processing with an error.

    *) Feature: the "min_free" parameter of the "proxy_cache_path",
    "fastcgi_cache_path", "scgi_cache_path", and "uwsgi_cache_path"
    Thanks to Adam Bambuch.

    *) Bugfix: nginx did not delete unix domain listen sockets during
    graceful shutdown on the SIGQUIT signal.

    *) Bugfix: zero length UDP datagrams were not proxied.

    *) Bugfix: proxying to uwsgi backends using SSL might not work.
    Thanks to Guanzhong Chen.

    *) Bugfix: in error handling when using the "ssl_ocsp" directive.

    *) Bugfix: on XFS and NFS file systems disk cache size might be
    calculated incorrectly.

    *) Bugfix: "negative size buf in writer" alerts might appear in logs if
    a memcached server returned a malformed response.

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