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思维导图 也建议使用xmind的中文免费版

Freeplane 思维导图软件中文版是由经典思维导图软件 FreeMind 的主创人员设计的另外一款同类型工具,Freeplane 已由官方翻译为中文,功能比较齐全,相较于 FreeMind 也毫不逊色。软件界面简洁明晰、操作方便快、设计的非常人性化,更重要的是它是免费的。当然博客上也提供的有其它的思维导图软件,比如:Xmind Pro 中文版,Mindmanage 中文版等等。

除了 SciPlore MindMapping,FreeMind 还有一个重要分支版本 FreePlane。该项目始于 2009 年 6 月,主要开发者是 Dimitry Polivaev,也是 FreeMind 开发者之一。FreePlane 在 FreeMind 基础上,增强了如下功能:更好的节点文字即席编辑、优化连接线、插入外部对象、脚本优化、全部文件替换、功能键工具栏、按住 control 和左键点击菜单项可修改热键、全屏模式、选择性粘贴、拼写检查、有结构的 html 粘贴。此外,还增强了过滤功能,并提供了多项其他改进。


You can navigate this wiki in different ways. The navigation menu on the left directs you to main support areas. Pages on detailed topics can be found in the mind map Index wiki on the right. Many pages of this wiki are tagged at the end of the page with Categories. You can click on the Category at the end of the page to display an index of all pages of the same Category.

You are invited to use and contribute to this wiki, to share information and tips about Freeplane and its features. NOTE: because of spammer attacks, editing of this wiki is now only allowed for registered wiki editors. If you want to become a wiki editor, write to the Freeplane team which user name and e-mail you want to use for the registration. So we can create a new user account and let the wiki generate password and send it to the mail address you provide.

We use forum https://www.freeplane.org/forum for discussions and issue tracker https://www.freeplane.org/tickets for bug reports and feature requests. The old forum content is available read only at https://www.freeplane.org/forum2012 .

Download Freeplane now!
(this downloads the stable version 1.8.7)
change log  •  fixed security issues
Download last development versions (preview)
Try it and give your opinion.
Freeplane is a free mind mapping program under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.
See Support for installation instructions, language support and special buttons and keys for Macintosh.

Freeplane is the Community Choice Source Forge Project of the Month for June 2014 and for November 2016 and the Staff Choice for July 2014

官方下载 https://sourceforge.net/projects/freeplane/
