美国 TechSmith 公司发布的 Camtasia 2023 中文版发布。本站也发布的有 Camtasia Studio 8、Camtasia 9、Camtasia 2018 等等,相比之前的版本,Camtasia 2023 中文版更加成熟稳定,功能也更加丰富强大。有不少网站发布的包含 Camtasia 2023 中文版的内容,实际为虚假标题,同时也有不少仿冒 Camtasia 官网的网站,大家注意甄别。

屏幕录像软件 TechSmith Camtasia 2019 汉化版

屏幕录像软件 TechSmith Camtasia 2023 汉化版

Camtasia Studio 是 TechSmith 旗下的一套专业屏幕录像软件。Camtasia 是专业屏幕捕获和屏幕录制的参考工具,同时也是功能丰富的多轨视频编辑器。因此,称赞其专业高清质量的视频记录功能只是成功的一半。Camtasia 仍然是直观,高质量的教程和演示视频制作的工具,但它也正在缓慢但肯定地成为完善的视频编辑工具的有力竞争者。

TechSmith Camtasia 2023 中文版特色:


Camtasia 2023 汉化版为您提供易于定制的预制动画。效果通过拖放功能为您的视频增添专业性和润色效果。

从我们的免版税音乐和音效库中选择。 Camtasia 2020 中文版可让您录制和编辑音频片段,为您的视频提供完美的音频。





将演示文稿转换为视频。将 PowerPoint 幻灯片直接录制或导入 Camtasia 2019。

Camtasia 2023 系统要求

  • Microsoft Windows 10(仅 64 位版本)。
  • 2.0 GHz CPU 至少具有双核处理器(推荐:2.8 Ghz 第 6 代 Intel®Core™i5 处理器,带 4 个 CPU 内核或更好或等效或更好的 AMD 处理器)
  • 英特尔和 AMD 集成显卡是可以接受的。 但是,建议将 NVIDIA 和 AMD GPU 用于 GPU 加速和 4K 和/或 60 FPS 媒体。
  • GPU 加速需要 Windows 10 或 Windows 8.1
  • 最低 4 GB RAM(推荐:16 GB 或更多)
  • 2 GB 的硬盘空间用于程序安装
  • 显示尺寸为 1024×768 或更高
  • Microsoft .NET 4.6.0 或更高版本(包含)
  • 专用的 Windows 兼容声卡,麦克风和扬声器(推荐)
  • Windows N 需要适用于 Windows N 的 MediaFeature Pack
  • 试用版需要 Internet 连接和 TechSmith 帐户

Camtasia 2023 许可证



23 January 2024: Camtasia 2023.4.2
Feature Updates
Increased the size of the webcam in the default Editor layout when importing a .trec file.
Projects that are imported from Rev will not have a background applied automatically if the screen recording or camera recording fills the entire canvas, unless Background Removal has been applied.
Added a tooltip to Camtasia Rev that displays details about Rev backgrounds.
The Batch Exporter now accepts MP4 and TREC files as source media for batch export.
Added option to Preferences: Automatically delete oldest proxy files when filesize exceeds a threshold.
Source media that are detected as being in cloud-backed storage locations are now proxied by default. This behavior can be turned off in the Preferences menu.
Camtasia will now warn the user when the temporary storage location is set to cloud-backed storage, which is not recommended.
It is now possible to drag-and-drop projects and/or media into the Batch Export dialog.
The Batch Exporter now supports “Create multiple files from markers.”
Improved the look of the Record button in Camtasia Home.
Added a Camtasia Rev layout that mimics legacy Camtasia behavior with no background.
Performance Improvements
Miscellaneous performance improvements.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging an AVI or WMV source file under the playhead.
Fixed network security prompt not showing in the installed languages.
Fixed a memory leak with timeline media
Fixed a bug that could create an invalid caption when trimming the beginning of the project’s first caption.
ESC key back to work to exit sync caption now
During Voice Narration and sync captions the downloads button and the record flyout button are now disabled.
Dynamic Backgrounds and other shader-based media no longer skip after a Ripple Delete.
Fixed a bug that could cause a trial dialog to briefly appear for users that already have a valid Camtasia license.
Improved the default Background Removal quality to Accurate for users with discrete video cards.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash or other undesired behavior when editing cursors on stitched media.
fix sometimes noise removal failed when clicking Analyze
Fixed a bug that could cause some videos to flip when visual effects were applied.
Fixed a bug that could prevent captions from scrolling properly while syncing.
Fixed a bug in the Modern Exporter that could cause changed settings to be lost when switching tabs.
Fixed issue where recording toolbar button tooltips could show up in the recording.
Fixed a crash that could occur when saving to a standalone project.
Improved consistency of visual effects between different types of source media including differences with Lottie files and proxy media in the Editor.
Fixed a bug that could create multiple undo points when reverting while cropping.


