火狐浏览器Mozilla Firefox迎来了新版本的发布。详细版本号为v104.0.2,火狐拥有最快最安全的上网体验!中文名通常称为“Firefox”或“Firefox Browser”(正式缩写为Fx,非正式缩写为FF),是一款主流开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎。可以同时支持多种网络标准;可以个性化;火狐浏览器内核性能优异,支持安装第三方扩展。#开源项目# 全新火狐浏览器 Mozilla Firefox 104.0.2 正式版 附送官方FTP下载地址


Firefox v104.0.2(2022-09-05)


为了改进下载用户界面,它在画中画中提供了更好的字幕支持,以及各种修复和安全改进。厌倦了太多的窗口挤在你的屏幕上?现在,您可以禁用每次开始新的下载时自动打开下载面板的功能。Firefox现在可以减少在ETP严格模式下浏览网站时对查询参数的跟踪。现在HBO Max,Funimation,Dailymotion,Tubi,Disney+ Hotstar,SonyLIV都可以提供画中画(PiP)的字幕和描述。这允许您在小窗口中查看视频,并在主屏幕上浏览应用程序或内容时将其固定在屏幕的一角。


Firefox v101正式版的主要更新,
旧的下载提示回归,火狐101恢复了2022年1月Mozilla放弃的旧下载提示。从Firefox97开始,浏览器会自动开始下载,而不会先询问如何处理文件。许多Firefox用户不喜欢这种行为,因此Mozilla决定恢复它,同时保留切换到类似Chromium的新版本下载体验的选项。其他变化包括在视频会议期间支持多个麦克风,以及在Android 9及以上版本的表格中支持放大镜。此外,Firefox浏览器现在支持首选项-对比媒体查询,允许网站检测用户是否需要更高或更低对比度的网页内容。

Linux和Windows 11的滚动条都变了。默认情况下,滚动条不占用空间,但这种行为可以通过Firefox首选项区域中的“覆盖滚动条”功能来修改。Windows上的Firefox 100用户在使用支持的GPU/驱动程序时可以调用硬件加速的AV1视频解码,但Linux上的Firefox目前不允许使用较新GPU的硬件加速AV1。Firefox 100还支持以画中画模式运行亚马逊Prime Video/YouTube/网飞。这些视频网站包含的播放器支持使用WebVTT的网站的画中画视频字幕。浏览器的内置拼写检查器现在支持多语言并发,提高了绘图和处理其他事件以及其他小变化之间的优先级。Mozilla Firefox v97.0.2 正式版


Mozilla Firefox has ushered in a new version of the release. The detailed version number is v104.0.2, Firefox has the fastest and safest Internet experience! The Chinese name is usually called "Firefox" or "Firefox Browser" (formally abbreviated as Fx, informally abbreviated as FF), it is a mainstream open source web browser that uses the Gecko engine. It can support multiple network standards at the same time; it can be personalized; the Firefox browser kernel has excellent performance and supports the installation of third-party extensions.


New version changes

Firefox v104.0.2 (2022-09-05)



Major update of the official version of Firefox v102,
To improve the download UI, it offers better subtitle support in picture-in-picture, as well as various fixes and security improvements. Tired of too many windows crowding your screen? You can now disable the ability to automatically open the download panel every time you start a new download. Firefox can now reduce tracking of query parameters when browsing websites in ETP strict mode. Picture-in-picture (PiP) subtitles and descriptions are now available on HBO Max, Funimation, Dailymotion, Tubi, Disney+ Hotstar, SonyLIV. This allows you to view videos in small windows and pin them to the corner of the screen while browsing apps or content on the home screen.

update hisTory

Major update of the official version of Firefox v101,
The old download prompt is back, and Firefox 101 brings back the old download prompt that Mozilla abandoned in January 2022. Starting with Firefox97, the browser automatically starts downloading without first asking what to do with the file. Many Firefox users didn't like this behavior, so Mozilla decided to bring it back while retaining the option to switch to a Chromium-like download experience for the new version. Other changes include support for multiple microphones during video conferencing, and support for a magnifying glass in tables on Android 9 and above. In addition, the Firefox browser now supports the preference-contrast media query, allowing websites to detect whether users want higher or lower contrast web content.

Major update of the official version of Firefox v100,
The scrollbars have changed for both Linux and Windows 11. By default, scrollbars take up no space, but this behavior can be modified via the "Override scrollbars" feature in the Firefox preferences area. Firefox 100 users on Windows can invoke hardware-accelerated AV1 video decoding when using a supported GPU/driver, but Firefox on Linux currently does not allow hardware-accelerated AV1 with newer GPUs. Firefox 100 also supports running Amazon Prime Video/YouTube/Netflix in picture-in-picture mode. These video sites include players that support picture-in-picture video subtitles for sites that use WebVTT. The browser's built-in spell checker now supports multilingual concurrency, increasing the priority between drawing and handling other events and other small changes.



Mozilla Firefox v104.0.2 官方简体中文正式版(2022-09-05)

Mozilla Firefox v102.1 ESR 官方简体中文版(2022-08-22)


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