伴随着一个相当平淡的星期,Linux 5.19-rc6发布了。Linus Torvalds刚刚签发了Linux 5.19-rc6,这是即将到来的Linux 5.19的最新常规测试与候选版本。Linux 5.19有望在本月晚些时候稳定发布。Linux 5.19有许多新功能,从硬件支持到文件系统增强,以及其他各种内核的"有趣"变化。

对于Linux 5.19-rc6的测试过程来说,幸运的是这又是一个平稳的一周,Linus Torvalds在发布公告中对5.19-rc6进行了总结。

对于rc6来说,看起来相当正常,这里没有什么真正突出的变化。主要是一些小的修正,涉及声音和网络驱动,以及一些arm64 dts文件的更新,剩下的就是一些自测更新,以及各种(大部分)单行代码。





Linux 5.19看起来处于相当好的状态,除了一些AMDGPU的回归,我手上的5.19内核基准测试一直进行得很好,但会检查一下这些回归,看看是否处于良好状态。

Following a rather dull week, Linux 5.19-rc6 was released. Linus Torvalds has just signed off Linux 5.19-rc6, the latest general test and release candidate for the upcoming Linux 5.19. Linux 5.19 is on track for a stable release later this month. Linux 5.19 has many new features, from hardware support to filesystem enhancements, and various other "interesting" changes to the kernel.

Luckily it was another smooth week for the testing process for Linux 5.19-rc6, with Linus Torvalds wrapping up 5.19-rc6 in the release announcement.

Seems fairly normal for rc6, nothing really stands out here. Mostly minor fixes involving sound and network drivers, and some arm64 dts file updates, and the rest is some self-test updates, and various (mostly) one-liners.


The short log below gives a good overview, and it's short enough to see everything in just a scroll:


Perhaps somewhat unusual, I've picked up a few pending fixes on the device tree, but haven't actually made it upstream yet. Now that it's rc6, I'd like to turn off some regression reports without having to wait for another rc to put them in the tree.

Linux 5.19 looks to be in pretty good shape, aside from some AMDGPU regressions, the 5.19 kernel benchmarks I have on hand have been going great, but will check those regressions to see if they are in good shape.


mainline:5.19-rc62022-07-10[tarball][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse]
stable:5.18.102022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
stable:5.17.15 [EOL]2022-06-14[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:5.15.532022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:5.10.1292022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:5.4.2042022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:4.19.2512022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:4.14.2872022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]
longterm:4.9.3222022-07-07[tarball][pgp][patch][inc. patch][view diff][browse][changelog]


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