怎样才能访问GPT-4?如何获取gpt-4的api的使用权限?How can I access GPT-4?

API Access
On July 6, 2023 , we gave access to the GPT-4 API (8k) to all API users who have made a successful payment of $1 or more. We plan to open up access to new developers by the end of July 2023, and then start raising rate-limits after that depending on compute availability.

We are not currently granting access to GPT-4-32K API at this time, but it will be made available at a later date.

ChatGPT Plus
ChatGPT Plus subscribers will get GPT-4 access on chat.openai.com with a usage cap. We will dynamically adjust the exact usage cap depending on demand and system performance in practice. GPT-4 currently has a cap of 50 messages every 3 hours.

Please be patient though — we expect massive demand and will scale up and optimize our systems over the coming months.

Note: this will not provide subscribers with access to the API.


2023年7月6日,我们允许所有成功支付1美元或以上的API用户访问GPT-4 API(8k)。我们计划在2023年7月底前向新的开发人员开放,然后根据计算可用性开始提高费率限制。


目前我们尚未授予对GPT-4-32K API的访问权限,但稍后将提供该权限。


ChatGPT Plus

ChatGPT Plus用户将在chat.openai.com上获得GPT-4访问权限,并有使用上限。在实践中,我们将根据需求和系统性能动态调整确切的使用上限。GPT-4目前的上限是每3小时发送50条消息。




