Chrome 100 现已升级为稳定版,适用于 Linux / macOS / Windows / Chrome OS。“Chrome 团队很高兴地宣布,Chrome 100 已推广到 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 的稳定频道。Chrome 100 也被推广到我们新的 Windows 和 Mac 的扩展稳定频道。这将在未来几天/几周内推出。”

Chrome 100 has now been upgraded to a stable version for Linux / macOS / Windows / Chrome OS. "The Chrome team is pleased to announce that Chrome 100 has been rolled out to the Stable Channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. Chrome 100 is also rolled out to our new Extended Stable Channel for Windows and Mac. This will be rolling out in the coming days/weeks ."

The many changes in the new version include:

Update parsing of cookie strings to allow setting the cookie's domain attribute to an empty string. This change will also correct failing web platform tests related to empty string domains. Additionally, it aligns Chrome with the draft RFC6265bis specification and will improve interoperability with Safari and Firefox by matching the handling of empty cookie domain attributes.
With Capability Delegation support, a framework can relinquish the ability to call a restricted API and transfer the ability to another sub-framework it trusts.
Introduced the Digital Goods API for querying/managing digital products for in-app purchases from web applications. The web app in the Google Play Store can now easily accept purchases of digital goods. The Digital Goods API was originally considered an Origin Trial.
The multi-screen window placement API is better able to handle multi-window applications that require accurate positioning of certain windows and other similar use cases. Example use cases for the multi-screen window placement API include cross-screen slideshows, financial applications for cross-monitor window dashboards, medical imaging applications, creative applications on multiple screens, and more.
The "plus-lighter" value for the mix-blend-mode CSS option, allows two elements to be cross-faded by changing the opacity of the other element from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, while keeping common pixels unchanged.

More details are available at At the same time, Google also released an updated Chrome 101 development version.

Google has warned that reaching version 100 in Chrome and Firefox could wreak havoc on sites that rely on identifying browser versions to perform business logic, and offered some strategies to mitigate the impact.


Google today released a new version of its Chrome browser, version 100, which finally hits the 3-digit mark. It's been 13 and a half years since Google Chrome was released in September 2008.

Over the past 10 years, Google has released major Chrome version updates every 6 weeks, adding a version number. Starting in September 2021, the update frequency will be every four weeks, which is to fix security bugs and roll out new features faster.

Chrome 100 has a new icon, although the change is not very obvious, and according to Google, the new version continues to significantly reduce memory, CPU usage and is faster.

Chrome 100 also introduced a digital goods API. This will enable web apps in the Play Store to accept digital purchases. This essentially wraps the Android Play Billing API and enables web apps that offer digital purchases to be installed from the Play Store.

Chrome 100 was the last version of the browser to support unreduced user agent strings. Developers can try it out through Origin until April 19, 2022.

It is worth mentioning that Chrome 100 has begun to roll out, and everyone can update it automatically.


更新 cookie 字符串的解析以允许将 cookie 的域属性设置为空字符串。此更改还将纠正与空字符串域相关的失败 Web 平台测试。此外,它使 Chrome 与 RFC6265bis 规范草案保持一致,并将通过匹配对空 cookie 域属性的处理来提高与 Safari 和 Firefox 的互操作性。
Capability Delegation 支持,框架可以放弃调用受限 API 的能力并将能力转移到它信任的另一个子框架。
引入了数字商品 API,用于查询/管理来自 Web 应用程序的应用内购买的数字产品。Google Play 商店中的网络应用程序现在可以轻松接受数字商品的购买。Digital Goods API 最初被视为 Origin Trial。
多屏幕窗口放置 API 能够更好地处理需要准确定位某些窗口和其他类似用例的多窗口应用程序。多屏幕窗口放置 API 的示例用例包括跨屏幕幻灯片放映、跨显示器窗口仪表板的财务应用程序、医学成像应用程序、多屏幕上的创意应用程序等等。
mix-blend-mode CSS 选项的“plus-lighter”值,允许两个元素通过将另一个元素的不透明度从 0 更改为 1 和从 1 更改为 0 来交叉淡入淡出,同时保持 common pixels 不变。

更多详细信息可请访问。与此同时,谷歌方面还发布了一个更新的 Chrome 101 开发版本。

谷歌曾警告称,Chrome 和 Firefox 达到 100 版本可能会对那些依靠识别浏览器版本来执行业务逻辑的网站造成破坏,并为此提供了一些减轻影响而采取的策略。


谷歌今天发布了新版本Chrome浏览器,版本号为100,终于达到了3位数。谷歌 Chrome 浏览器在2008年9月发布,至今过去了13年半。


Chrome 100有了新的图标,虽然变化并不是很明显,而按照谷歌的说法,新版本继续大幅减少内存、CPU占用率,速度更快。

Chrome 100还引入了一个数字商品API。这将使Play Store中的网络应用能够接受数字购买。这实质上是对Android Play Billing API的打包,并使提供数字购买的网络应用可以从Play Store中安装。

Chrome 100是支持未减少的用户代理字符串的最后一个版本的浏览器。开发人员可以在2022年4月19日之前通过Origin进行试用。

值得一提的是,Chrome 100已经开始推出,大家可以自动更新即可。
