日前有消息称,受到RTX 30系列二手矿卡泛滥、库存积压的影响,RTX 40系列可能会推迟到年底上市,不过根据快科技的可靠线报,其实不用等那么久。



今天,贴吧网友“琳琅长空”统计了市面上各款显卡(全新)在不同渠道内的最低价格,结果令人振奋,RTX 30系列、RX 6000系列都已经纷纷破发。


其中,RTX 30系列是越高端破发比例越高,RTX 3060 Ti依然接近3000元,和原价相差无几,RTX 3090 Ti则已经来到最低9999元,相比首发价低了足足33%。

RX 6000系列则基本相反,越低端破发比例越高,RX 6500就超过了30%,目前已经不到900元,其余大部分在20%上下,RX 6950 XT则还只有8.3%,最低还得要7699元才能买到。


另外在国外,显卡叠加也非常猛,比如技嘉RTX 3080 Ti魔鹰版,已经压到了650美元,折算下来和国内一些RTX 3070高端型号差不多了。


A few days ago, it was reported that due to the flood of second-hand mining cards of the RTX 30 series and the backlog of inventory, the RTX 40 series may be delayed until the end of the year.

Why does this news come out? One argument is that JS deliberately let the wind out, so as to take the opportunity to clean up a wave of inventory...

In any case, it is an indisputable fact that the price of graphics cards continues to decline globally, and it is normal to buy graphics cards below the original price.

Today, Tieba netizen "Linlang Changkong" counted the lowest prices of various graphics cards (brand new) on the market in different channels, and the results are exciting. The RTX 30 series and RX 6000 series have all broken.

Domestic graphics card prices collectively collapse! Some have broken 33%

Among them, the higher the RTX 30 series is, the higher the break rate is. The RTX 3060 Ti is still close to 3,000 yuan, which is almost the same as the original price. The RTX 3090 Ti has reached a minimum of 9,999 yuan, which is a full 33% lower than the starting price.

The RX 6000 series is basically the opposite. The lower-end break rate is higher, the RX 6500 exceeds 30%, and it is less than 900 yuan at present. Most of the rest are around 20%, and the RX 6950 XT is only 8.3%. It costs 7699 yuan to buy it.

Although this is only the statistics of some channels and some products, the general trend is already obvious, and players who want to start a new graphics card can observe it again.

In addition, in foreign countries, the superposition of graphics cards is also very fierce. For example, the Gigabyte RTX 3080 Ti Magic Eagle Edition has been pressed to US$650, which is similar to some domestic RTX 3070 high-end models.

Recently, Baidu's "Graphics Bar" bar friend "Linlang Changkong" has summarized the graphics card prices of major e-commerce platforms, and the prices of some graphics cards have dropped by 60%.


(Picture source graphics card bar friend @林兰长空, the ownership of the picture is @林兰长空)

Everyone should be able to feel that the graphics card is not out of stock this year, and the price has been falling. The price of the RTX 3080Ti was basically about 15,000 yuan in the same period last year, and now it can be bought for about 6,000 yuan.

In terms of price drop, RTX 3090Ti and RX 6900 XT have the most exaggerated drop, with the former dropping by about 57.9% and the latter by 60%. The RTX 3080 Ti and RTX 3090 also fell by 50% and 41% respectively. If you are considering buying a graphics card recently, you can wait for the RTX 40 series, but you still have to be careful about mining cards.

Ranger Net 2


大家今年应该能感受到显卡不仅不缺货,价格还一直在往下降,RTX 3080Ti,去年同期价格基本在1.5万元左右,现在基本6000元左右就可以买到。

就价格跌幅来说,RTX 3090Ti以及RX 6900 XT的跌幅最为夸张,前者跌幅约57.9%,后者跌幅达到了60%。而RTX 3080 Ti、RTX 3090跌幅也分别达到了50%以及41%。最近在考虑买显卡的话可以再等等RTX 40系列,不过大家还是要慎防矿卡。

