全球最大虚拟货币交易网站之一被黑! 损失1.5千万美元以太币

One of the world's largest virtual currency trading sites has been hacked! Lost $15M in Ether

Crypto.com, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has reportedly been hacked, with at least $15 million worth of ether stolen. The hack is the latest in a series of security branches affecting cryptocurrency exchanges, and it further undermines confidence in the new cryptocurrency space.

One of the world's largest virtual currency trading sites has been hacked! Lost $15 million in Ether

The attack was only officially revealed when users started reporting that their funds were lost, even those with two-layer authentication enabled. Crypto.com tweeted after receiving complaints from users that the site would be suspending withdrawals.

The specific data lost in the attack was released by PeckShield, a security firm that studies blockchain data. It found that at least 4,600 ether was being "laundered" through Tornado Cash, an ethereum privacy protocol that broke the link between source and destination addresses.

One of the world's largest virtual currency trading sites has been hacked! Lost $15 million in Ether

The hack is notable because Crypto.com is not an obscure exchange, but one of the largest with a 24-hour trading volume of over $3 billion, matching Coinbase. Interestingly, Crypto.com does not officially admit to hacking. The company has promised users that their funds are safe. The company is conducting an internal investigation and is expected to issue a statement or specific statement in the coming days. It also took steps to strengthen its security infrastructure.

据报道,全球最大的加密钱银买卖所之一 Crypto.com 遭到黑客进犯,至少价值 1500 万美元的以太坊被盗。此次黑客进犯是影响加密钱银买卖所的一系列安全分支中的最新一次,它进一步损害了人们对新式加密钱银范畴的信心。

全球最大虚拟钱银买卖网站之一被黑! 丢失1.5千万美元以太币

当用户开始陈述他们的资金丢失时,这次进犯才被正式揭露,即使是那些启用了两层验证的用户也同样遭到进犯。 Crypto.com 在收到用户投诉后在推特上表明,网站将暂停提款。

此次进犯的具体丢失数据是由研讨区块链数据的安全公司 PeckShield 公布的。它发现至少有 4600 以太币正在通过 Tornado Cash 进行“洗钱”,这是一种以太坊隐私协议,它破坏了源地址和方针地址之间的链接。

全球最大虚拟钱银买卖网站之一被黑! 丢失1.5千万美元以太币

此次黑客进犯值得注意,由于 Crypto.com 并不是一个不起眼的买卖所,而是最大的买卖所之一,其 24 小时买卖量超越 30 亿美元,与 Coinbase 适当。有趣的是,Crypto.com 没有正式承认黑客侵略。该公司已许诺用户的资金是安全的。该公司正在内部调查,估计将在未来几天发布陈述或具体声明。它还采纳办法加强其安全基础设施。

