免费不限速 8大网盘(百度网盘、腾讯微云、天翼云盘、和彩云、阿里云盘、迅雷云盘、360安全云盘和网易网盘)今年都已提供无差别速率服务 国内好用的网盘在过去几年中越来越少,剩下的多数要收费,免费用户则会面临限速,这两天随着百度网盘青春版的推出,国内8大网盘已经在工信部要求下实现了无差别速率服务。In the past few years, there have been fewer and fewer online disks that are easy to use in China. Most of the remaining are charged, and free users will face speed limits. With the launch of Baidu SkyDrive Youth Edition in the past two days, the 8 largest domestic online disks have been launched. Under the requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, undifferentiated rate services have been realized.
The eight major online disks are Baidu, Tencent Weiyun, Tianyi Cloud, He Caiyun, Ali Cloud, Thunder Cloud, 360 Secure Cloud, and NetEase.
In the last two days, Baidu Netdisk launched the Baidu Netdisk Youth Edition on the 29th. Tencent Weiyun was also updated yesterday. The iOS version was updated to version 6.9.39, and the Android version was updated to version 6.9.68. Different rate services, so far, the problem of free online disk speed limit has been rectified.
Of course, from the case of Baidu SkyDrive Youth Edition, although there is an unlimited speed service, free users should not expect the experience to be exactly the same as that of paid users. It is better to spend money if you just need it.
In response to the problem of speed limitation of online disks, in November this year, they jointly signed the "Personal Online Disk Service User Experience Guarantee Self-discipline Convention" in Beijing, promising to launch "undifferentiated rate" products within 2021 to provide all kinds of users with undifferentiated upload/download Rate service.
Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice requiring online disk-related companies to optimize product and service tariff introductions, clearly and clearly indicate storage space, transmission rate, functional rights, and tariff levels, and not misleading publicity.
Under the same network conditions, the minimum upload and download rate provided to free users shall ensure that the basic download requirements are met.
