5 月 2 日消息,微软 Edge 自推出以来就以功能独特、效率高、省内存,以及“针对触摸屏 PC 进行优化”等特性备受好评,但它的市场占有率实际上从未超过个位数。

最初的 Trident(EdgeHTML)版本的 Edge 后来“因为开发者不支持而没有用户,又因为没有用户而不被开发者支持”的恶行循环被微软决定在 2019 年砍掉而转向 Chromium 内核。

目前,微软 Edge 推出已经有 7 年之久了,虽然改用 Chromium 也只有两年多的时间,但它终于取得了缓慢但值得纪念的进展。根据 StatCounter 的最新数据,微软 Edge 浏览器在 2022 年 4 月的市场份额突破了 10% 的大关。

StatCounter 声称,微软 Edge 本月获得了 0.42% 的份额增长,达到了创纪录的 10.07%。当然,它目前与谷歌 Chrome 的 66.64%(-0.65) 相比仍有很大差距,但已足以让 Edge 成为“全球第二受欢迎的浏览器”。

[StatCounter :微软 Edge 首次在桌面浏览器市场中突破 10% 份额]

On May 2, Microsoft Edge has been praised for its unique features, high efficiency, memory saving, and "optimized for touch-screen PCs" since its launch, but its market share has never actually exceeded single digits. .
The original Trident (EdgeHTML) version of Edge later "has no users because the developers don't support it, and no developers support it because it doesn't have users". Microsoft decided to cut it off in 2019 and switch to the Chromium kernel.
It's now been 7 years since Microsoft Edge launched, and while the switch to Chromium has only been over two years, it's finally making slow but memorable progress. According to the latest data from StatCounter, the Microsoft Edge browser crossed the 10% mark in April 2022.
StatCounter claims that Microsoft Edge gained a 0.42% share gain this month to a record 10.07%. Of course, it's still a long way from Google Chrome's 66.64% (-0.65), but it's enough to make Edge "the second most popular browser in the world."
[StatCounter: Microsoft Edge breaks 10% share in the desktop browser market for the first time] In addition, Apple's Safari ranks third in the desktop browser market with a market share of 9.61%, and Firefox ranks first with a market share of 7.86% Four.
Google Chrome - 66.64% (-0.65)
Microsoft Edge - 10.07% (+0.42)
Apple Safari - 9.61% (+0.05)
Firefox - 7.86% (+0.29)
Opera - 2.43% (-0.38)
Compared to desktop platforms, the mobile browser market hasn't changed much this month. Google Chrome and Apple Safari still account for nearly 90% of the market, while the rest of the competition saw little growth in April 2022.
Google Chrome - 63.57% (-0.02)
Apple Safari - 24.82% (-0.01)
Samsung Internet - 4.90% (+0.00)
Opera - 1.88% (+0.00)
UC Browser - 1.41% (+0.00)
Counting all platforms, it is still the world of Google Chrome and Apple Safari.

此外,苹果的 Safari 以 9.61% 的市场份额位居桌面浏览器市场的第三位,Firefox 则以 7.86% 的市场份额位居第四。

谷歌 Chrome - 66.64% (-0.65)

微软 Edge - 10.07% (+0.42)

苹果 Safari - 9.61% (+0.05)

火狐浏览器- 7.86% (+0.29)

Opera- 2.43% (-0.38)

相比起桌面平台,移动浏览器市场本月没有什么太变化。谷歌 Chrome 和苹果 Safari 依然占据了近 90% 的份额,而其他竞品在 2022 年 4 月几乎没有取得任何增长。

谷歌 Chrome - 63.57% (-0.02)

苹果 Safari - 24.82% (-0.01)

三星 Internet- 4.90% (+0.00)

Opera - 1.88% (+0.00)

UC 浏览器- 1.41% (+0.00)

统计一下所有平台,依然是谷歌 Chrome 和苹果 Safari 的天下。
