raksmart日本云服务器正式上架开卖了,日本东京这是继美国硅谷和洛杉矶、中国香港之后的第4处云服务器数据中心。大致特征日本云服务器支持资源DIY选择,独享带宽不限流量,单个云服务器最大支持48核、256G内存、默认40G系统盘(免费)、数据盘(每G0.08美元)、数据盘与系统盘分离、支持Linux和Windows server 2003、2008、2012、2016、2019中文版、网络可选“大陆优化”和精品网(cn2+bgp)、带宽最大支持1Gbps独享(不限流量)、自带一个IPv4、2个免费快照、2个免费备份。










raksmart Japan cloud server is officially on sale. Tokyo, Japan is the fourth cloud server data center after Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong. General features: Japanese cloud servers support resource DIY selection, exclusive bandwidth unlimited traffic, a single cloud server supports up to 48 cores, 256G memory, default 40G system disk (free), data disk ($0.08 per G), data disk and Separate system disk, support Linux and Windows server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 Chinese version, network optional "mainland optimization" and boutique network (cn2+bgp), bandwidth maximum support 1Gbps exclusive (unlimited traffic), self Bring one IPv4, 2 free snapshots, and 2 free backups.

Official website: https://www.raksmart.com

Minimum configuration:

$8.73/month, 1G RAM, 1 core, 40G system disk, 1 IP, 2 snapshots + 2 backups,

Purchase link

30% off coupon code: Cloud-TP-30%dis

After using the coupon code, the minimum configuration is as low as $6/month!

RAKsmart Computer Room is an American business established in 2012, Chinese-owned, and domestic operating divisions. It mainly engages in independent server products for the self-built data center in San Jose, USA. It also has Asia-Pacific data center products such as independent servers in Japan and Hong Kong servers! Support Alipay, WeChat, PayPal payment and purchase, customer service provides Chinese work order support!

Raksmart, an old-brand computer room in the United States, will start 2021 discounts: (1) Independent physical servers in "San Jose" and "Los Angeles" on the West Coast of the United States are as low as $30/month (renewal fee does not increase), (2) Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo, Japan, "Physical machine" in Hong Kong, China, as low as US$76/month, (3) Station group server, Hong Kong station group, Japanese station group, American station group, as low as 177 USD/month, (4) San Jose high defense server in the United States, Up to 300Gbps defense, free against CC attacks, (5) San Jose GPU server in the United States, the volume of goods is relatively small.
