今天《守望先锋 归来》正式开服,英伟达官方发布了一篇博客,介绍了旗下显卡运行这款游戏的情况。显卡性能评测

根据官方数据,最新的 RTX 4090 运行《守望先锋 归来》可实现 1440p 507fps 帧率和 8ms 的延迟,RTX 4080 16GB 可实现 369fps 和 9ms,RTX 4080 12G 可达到 296fps 和 10ms。

英伟达还表示,今年秋季,随着华硕推出全新 27 英寸 1440p 360Hz 型号,G-SYNC 电竞显示器将为玩家提供更多制胜优势。官方数据显示,与传统的 1080p 分辨率 24 英寸显示器相比,在瞄准敌人头部等小目标时,1440p 27 英寸显示器能够将玩家的瞄准精度提升 3%。显卡性能评测

配置要求方面,英伟达表示 RTX 3060 可满足《守望先锋 归来》 1080p 144fps 运行,RTX 3080 可满足 1080p 360fps + 运行,RTX 4080 16GB 可满足 1440p 360fps + 运行。

[英伟达:RTX 4090 可实现《守望先锋 归来》1440p 500fps 运行]

最新了解到,《守望先锋:归来》战斗迎来重大更新,全新 5V5 战斗模式登场。在全新的战斗规则下,每名玩家都拥有比以往更高的个人影响力。与此同时,全新的机动推进地图将带来更为激烈的对战。双方队伍需要争夺机器人的控制权,并将其推向敌方基地。玩家一共可以在《守望先锋:归来》中体验 22 张地图,其中 6 张为全新地图,每张地图都有需要完成的目标。

Today, "Overwatch Returns" officially launched, and Nvidia officially released a blog to introduce its graphics card running the game. Graphics card performance evaluation

According to official data, the latest RTX 4090 running "Return of Overwatch" can achieve 1440p 507fps frame rate and 8ms latency, RTX 4080 16GB can achieve 369fps and 9ms, and RTX 4080 12G can achieve 296fps and 10ms.

Nvidia also says the G-SYNC gaming monitor will give gamers even more of a winning edge this fall with the launch of a new 27-inch 1440p 360Hz model from Asus. Official data shows that compared to a traditional 1080p resolution 24-inch display, the 1440p 27-inch display can improve the player's aiming accuracy by 3% when aiming at small targets such as the enemy's head. Graphics card performance evaluation

In terms of configuration requirements, Nvidia said that the RTX 3060 can meet the 1080p 144fps operation of "Overwatch Returns", the RTX 3080 can meet the 1080p 360fps + operation, and the RTX 4080 16GB can meet the 1440p 360fps + operation.

[NVIDIA: RTX 4090 can achieve "Return of Overwatch" 1440p 500fps running]

The latest news is that the battle of "Overwatch: Homecoming" has ushered in a major update, and the new 5V5 battle mode is on the scene. Under the new rules of battle, each player has more personal influence than ever before. At the same time, the new mobile propulsion map will bring more intense battles. Both teams need to fight for control of the robot and push it towards the enemy base. Players can experience a total of 22 maps in Overwatch: Homecoming, 6 of which are brand new maps, and each map has goals to complete.
